in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Hi friends of Steemit, today I come to do a little introduction on a topic that in my opinion is very interesting. And although some may say that it is nothing more than a "hobby" I would say that it is a true art. In addition to explaining, various topics to agree on the photography I would like to take the liberty to give different advice to those people who like me are about to enter the world of photography and have collected some money to buy their first camera REFLEX. We are clear that not everyone has the best economic situation to buy the last camera or the most expensive, but in my defense (and that of you small giant dreamers) I can say a phrase that probably have already heard from other people too : The photo is not made by the camera, but by the photographer.

After this I can start, enjoy it: D

First things first: Explain, although it sounds bleak, that it is a camera of photos: A camera of photos is a tool of pure synchronization, where a "dark camera" by means of its "objective" lets pass an precise amount of light so that the Focused image is recorded in the "sensor".

That said, we disarm a camera (metaphorically) and study its parts.

Know your camera, intimate with your camera, that this is an extension of your body

  • The Trigger: this button that when pressed, sends information to the Shutter causing it to be at a pre-set speed. Allowing therefore between the due amount of light, which will be recorded on a digital sensor that will transform this light into digital information.
  • The Objective: this consists of various lenses that allow us to channel the light reflected by the objects we focus on
  • The diaphragm: It is responsible for graduating the amount of light that The Obturator will receive during the established time. This is called Focal Length (I'll talk about this in the next post)
  • The Obturator: are the different curtains that open and close in order to allow the light to enter according to the focal speed (I will talk about this in the next post) that we have defined.
  • The Sensor: It is the piece that receives the amount of light reflected by the objects and the transformation in digital information or image
  • The processor: interprets the data received by the sensor and is the one that gives us the final image
  • The Memory Card: is the slot where we will put our memory card, they store a lot of information according to their capacity
  • The Screen: shows a direct image of our photos
  • The viewer: It is the most important parts of the cameras. Since it allows us to frame and compose a photograph.

Now, let's refer to the different types of cameras that exist and begin to formalize our idea about "Which one to buy?":

  1. Compact cameras: they are the most extended or used due to their ease of use and their convenient size. You can carry them in your pocket. Its main disadvantage is that being small your sensor is also small, remember, the smaller the size of the sensor, the lower the quality of the photo will be obtained, or well, I will explain it to you as it should be later.                                                                                                                   
  2. Bridge or intermediate cameras: they are the next step in size, and unlike the previous ones you have a slightly higher sensor. They have more features. The use of these cameras is amateur.                                          
  3. REFLEX or DSLR cameras: The size of the sensor is significantly greater than that of the Bridge. The main advantages of these cameras is that they allow the exchange of the objective. It has more features to better control the process of creating a photo and also allow you to be much more creative. They have a myriad of accessories. There is a very wide range of DSLR models, allowing diversity between basic and professional models. The use of these can be amateur or professional.                                                             
  4. Medium format: They have a sensor much larger than that of the REFLEX cameras, and it is strictly professional use. Their pieces are of very high quality, and for this reason their prices are VERY high.

There is not a perfect camera, nor the best camera of all, but it is about finding a camera that suits the needs of each one of us.

First of all chic @ s, I will ask you something: Do you really want a REFLEX camera?

I invite you to ask yourself the following questions and reflect:

  • The REFLEX cameras are large and heavy. Does that bother you?
  • The results of the REFLEX cameras in automatic mode are almost similar to those of a good compact camera. You will have to learn to use manual mode or at least the semi-manual Would you do it? If you plan to use it almost always in automatic mode, then you are not interested.
  •  Your goal to buy it is to take pictures of your friends at birthdays, parties or a disco? If so, better buy a compact or better yet, the mobile camera is more than good;) 

Once you have answered these 3 questions, what do you think? Do you still want a REFLEX camera or have you already regretted it? If you feel bad when you change your mind, do not do it, remember: No one is better for having a REFLEX camera. The results are truly defined by photographers. Even so, if you are still determined to buy a REFLEX, I invite you to keep an eye on my next post where I will give you many more suggestions or skills that will be of help when buying your first REFLEX camera. If on the contrary, you are determined to buy any other type of camera, you can still follow my post, I assure you there will be several tips or tips that will be very useful. 

Let's go steemianos, join me on this great journey as is photography. Together we will discover their greatest secrets and improve to the point that we are fully proud of our work. For my part I am an "Amateur" or "Rookie" in photography, although this, as you can see, has not prevented me from getting the joy of knowing much about this, and the more I investigate, the more I feel that I love being a photographer, for now I do not have my big camera, but I am saving for her, I am about to have her;) And they will say: then why do you consider yourself a photographer? And it's simple, the greatest achievements started as dreams. Until the next:D


Act as champions ... Be champions

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