Do not be surprised if aceh has many wonderful tours

image Maybe for the people of Aceh is no stranger to hear and see one of these beautiful places.gunung gurute aceh jaya. This mountain became the national road to the south west of Aceh. Geurutee is also part of the Ulu Masen forest which is now crowned as one of the world's oxygen supply forests. This mountain has a very deep ravine and directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean coast. Characteristic of Gerutee is a monument shaped as a sign that visitors are in the highest mountain climbing position. From that place, anyone can see the natural beauty that spread wide that is very menajup it. Journey to Puncak Geurutee must pass Mount Paro and Kulu. Vehicles will cross the ramp, derivative, and sharp turns. On the side of the road, there are cliffs and high cliffs that often landslide during the rainy season so that motorists should be careful in the journey, As the only national road to the south west area (aceh), the area of Mount Gerutee is often a haven for people who do long journey But there are also deliberately come here to enjoy the ocean view from the edge of the cliff, They enjoy the beauty of this mountain panorama, while sipping aceh coffee / fried noodle aceh. Along the mountain area is indeed a lot of coffee stands that provide typical coffee Aceh. In addition to selling coffee, these stalls also provide snacks such as noodles, bottled drinks etc. Thank you for visiting the blog @masdaputri Do not forget vote and coment.
# Thank you
Postingan sangat bagus,,, maaf kami melihat photo ini sudah anda gunakan di postingan sebelum ini, maaf ,,
Foto itu hanyalah sampul..yang perlu di pahami adalah makna dari tulisan.terimakasih
Thanks, anda sangat sopan dalam hal peringatan untuk anggota,,,
Postingan sangat baguss , kami menghargai, tapi ada pemberitahuan dari @botsteem, tolong dikoreksi / edit buat gambar baru, thanks, ini kami lakukan demi kemajuan kita bersama disini,,,
( Hanya pemberitahuan laporan yang bisa menggunakan gambar yang sama,, )
Alah.hana meuteunte lei pieh😂
Peu foto adek pasang man.?
Yang laen cut adek pasang ,, pokok jih bek sama ngon atra yang ka ulikot, lubeh pah photo jino mantong , nyan bak adex duk aju photo,, hhhh
Nyan kaleuh, tlong hei pasukan nyan bantu adek..😂
Haha,,, bereh nyan na lago, get,, awaknyo malam minggu , mungken akteuk .
Oke terimakasih @destasteem
Sebuah peringatan yang sangat sempurna,,
Thanks, sudah menuruti aturan yang disampaikan,,, ini bertanda baik untuk kemajuan bersama ,,,
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