WTF! Where Did All This Snow Come From?

in #photography7 years ago


My favorite weather is SNOW!! Unfortunately, we really don't get snow that often. Marx the rabbit lives in a sheltered mountain area where everyone in surrounding towns gets snow but not us. Imagine my surprise when I woke up to a blanket of beauty!

Last night I saw messages on facebook from local weather teams saying there was a small chance of snow. I went to bed thinking "yeah right" and instantly pushed the idea out of my mind. A slight chance usually means no chance.

I woke up at 9:00 AM and Look At All The Snow!....(Wait...What?)


Trust me...there's snow in that picture. You just can't see it. :)

See those white specks on the pavement? There's the snow.


Some on the car window.


By this picture the snow had stopped.


After freezing my butt off taking pictures of this exciting snow I went back to bed. I figured that was all the excitement I was getting. I was up until 5:00 AM last night so after my 9 AM "snow" adventure I slept until noon. When I woke up I had my WTF moment.

Where did this come from?


I guess after I went back to sleep the snow came down hard. It was the craziest thing to wake up to. This rabbit took a walk and enjoyed the scenery.




Trains In The Snow!


I'm so glad I got my morning walk. It's interesting to see what a matter of a few hours can do. It's still snowing right now and it is dark outside. The snow is on the roads now so I won't be going anywhere. The roads are pretty slick out here in the country. I won't be leaving home tomorrow most likely. My phone service has been in and out all day. We had a brief internet outage earlier today but hopefully that was a fluke. I'd hate to be without internet stuck at home.

Stay tuned for more snow pictures. Marx the rabbit likes to have fun in the snow. There may be a chance to win a few Steem in Marxrab's next adventure....



Let it snow let it snow let it snow!! We've got five inches now and it's still coming down hard! A tree just cracked and fell as I'm outside smoking it couldn't take the weight of the snow, timberrrr

That's a lot! Keep warm and safe. Wear a helmet if you go outside lol.

Living in Venezuela I always enjoyed cold weathers because here is always hot around 30 degree Celsius. Love your pics I am jealous to see all that snow!

Thank you so much. I use to live in a hotter climate area and I hated it. I was always sticky and hot. I love the snow so much and being cold.

I only love snow when I'm skiing. LOL
Growing up in New York, I've seen and shoveled my share of snow. I must admit it's very pretty. I especially love when it clings to the branches and twigs. There's something very holiday-ish about the train in snow too. Kind of brings back memories of a train set around the Christmas tree when the boys were little. Ah memories.

It was nice to get snow before Christmas. The last few Decembers have been unusually warm where Christmas didn't feel like Christmas. I love watching the trains in the snow. My husband wants to get our daughter into them so she'll enjoy a train set someday.

I never understood people that enjoy the snow. I mean I guess I liked it as a kid but nowadays it's as if someone opened up the freezer and poured all the icy stuff out all over me and it's cold. Also what's up with the whole SteemUSA thing? I see a couple of people with that.

I've always ran hot. Like my body temperature is always hot. And I hate being hot. I guess I like it here because it causes society to stop. No one is on the roads. No one is in town. It's kind of like being in an apocalyptic town where no one is there but you. Its so peaceful outside.

Steemusa is something @old-guy-photos invited me to join. I just joined a few days ago. They have a discord group that seems pretty fun and lively so its a good discord to make friends. The members seem to support one another and are all great commenters. If you are interested in joining I can ask old-guy-photos how you apply. They have to approve of you to let you in.

Like Marx said we mutually support each other. Its only for people in the US. We have a fun time in chat. You can join up on Discord at

Oooh. I'm usually hanging out in Discord because of VIVA stuff but I'll definitely add SteemUSA.

YAY! Glad to have you!

It sure looks pretty Marx! LOVE Hate to say it but you got more than us for once ahahahahah!!

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