We Love To Stop And Checkout The Mysterious House On A Hill

in #photography6 years ago

Around 10 minutes from my house is another very old house that has some strange qualities. It's a house on a perfectly round hill that appears to be abandoned. My husband and I pass it from time to time and we always wonder what's the deal with this place? The hill seems man-made or at least man altered to be perfectly round. Someone comes and mows the grass around the hill but the hill is left to grow. The house looks run down and I'm sure the conditions are unlivable inside.

In the very back of this house it looks like there is a picnic pavilion on one side and an old barn on the other side. I'm wondering what is the historic history of this house? Why does it have a picnic area?

The house sits on a one lane road that is very windy and curvy. Most of the time the road runs alongside a river. For the most part the river is far below and the houses all high up. On one part of the road there is a steep drop off on one side with the river below. Kind of scary to those afraid of heights. Back in the olden days this would have been a good place to build a home. Safe from floods but close to a water source.

The houses on this street are all old and oddly positioned because the mountains go up and down frequently. It's not a road many people go down unless they live there. Parts of the road are crumbling and in disrepair. There is a much nicer two lane road now that bypasses this street and heads straight from town to town. Parts that are crumbling have steep drop offs on the sides which are dangerous. When people who live on this street are outside and see cars driving by they stop and stare as if trying to figure out who is traveling down their road. "No Trespassing" signs are on every single house. It's not a place people would go for a picnic or to see a historic building.

The road to this house

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One lane road hidden in between rolling mountains

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Go too far right and you'll fall down the mountain into the river


It's an odd place to find a picnic pavilion. That's it on the left in the back


I tried finding it on Google maps but for some reason all the house numbers on this street are messed up. That's pretty common on these one lane roads through the mountains. Google maps gets a lot of information wrongly labeled. If I could figure out if it has a house number I could look the place up on Zillow and other websites to learn some dates and ownership history. You can look up who owns properties and other tid-bits of information.

The house has a flag pole in front which is also odd. I'm wondering if this "house" use to be something else. Maybe something useful back before "civilization" and bigger city features moved into this area. It's easy to find old houses that are over a hundred years old in this area. Maybe it was a trading post or a post office or belonged to someone in the military? The flag pole makes me think it was a useful building. People build houses high on hills for protection. Maybe someone built this house on a hill for safety reasons. Old timey mountain folk are territorial and untrusting of outsiders. Maybe someone built a house on a perfect hill so they could see clearly around the terrain.

I don't know. It's a mystery for now. I'm going to keep researching to figure out a number for this plot of land. I'd love to explore it but I wouldn't dare in this area. Like I said, people are territorial out here and everyone owns a gun. You never know...maybe someone does live in this shack of a house. I'd love to know it's history though and the purpose of the picnic pavilion. Maybe there is a hidden hiking trail back in the woods that runs by this place. The roads are so crazy when you get on the one laners you never know where you'll end up. The roads don't always show up on GPS and online maps so navigating around can be challenging.


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Nice pics i love those pictures taken surrounded with trees and awesome environment around ur house.thanks for posting @maxrab

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