Working with a designer ! Photo shoot project!

My first time working with a designer! This project was so exciting but so challenging!
Normally, when it comes to photo shoots, I pick out outfits myself or work with the stylist to pick outfits. So, working with a designer was an exciting step forward in my career!


The whole journey started by setting a meeting with a designer to talk about the garments and inspirations behind them, getting a deeper insight into meanings and themes these garments are trying to convey.
The garments focus on a number of traumatic events which were a result of conflict and war. I had a look at a designer’s sketchbooks and researched these topics thoroughly to get a deeper understanding of them, in order to convey the message in the best way possible.

There was 3 garments and they were specifically designed with three events in mind, ‘’the Berlin wall’’, ‘’The Twin Towers’’ and the war in Afghanistan and World War 2. The way the garments are made, have hidden messages representing these events, in colors, shapes, materials used etc.
The project was bigger than the photo shoot, but I will focus on the process on how I took the photos only, to keep it quite brief :)

(A page from my work book)

First things first, after talking with the designer and examining her sketchbooks, I have started to mind map the ideas and coming up with plans for the photo shoot day. I have got the ideas down for make-up possibilities, whether the photos will be taken on location or studio, what lighting to use ....among many others....
After much brainstorming and keeping in contact with the designer, checking ideas with her- every step of the way, some solid plans were made and I managed to come up with a moodboard!

(A page from my work book)

Final step was finding a location, model and a make-up artist. The decision was made to shoot outside, in a location which will complement the garments.
Location scouting was exciting as I have managed to make a list of abandoned places and dark forests I could check out. I love exploring abandoned places… but found it to be quite difficult! As many were hard to get into or demolished already…. And organizing a photo shoot with a team involved would mean some serious health and safety risks! I know... what a downer...

I settled therefore on shooting in a local park close to the city, I was living in…. the good old Birmingham! The location was natural and had many perks, like forest field, a small lake and many others. It also was reasonably close and easier to get to... which makes life much easier!
I managed to co-ordinate all the places with the garments, to make the colors complement them, and involve some hidden messages to do with the theme of clothes! Like for example, the ''Berlin Wall'' garment was planned to be shot in the background of a brick wall ! (I'm a genius... I know ;) haha )
Then I managed to find a make-up artist for the day and a model from an agency.
We had a good day! It was freezing, but a model was a trooper and did an amazing job! We also had some snacks (in the form of donuts) to keep our spirit and energy levels up!
The day was super long but an amazing experience!
Here are some images from the day:









I was happy with the results of my photos, even though they were only a small part of the whole project….
I was later asked to showcase some of the images in an exhibition in a night club after I published them!
An exhibition? In a night club? That was a first for me too.... But anything is possible in Birmingham! haha


The exhibition was really relaxed, as it involved other artists, I got a chance to speak to other talents and promote myself along the way…. Doubt anyone remembered me though… since drinks were involved …. ;)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post!
Marta! x

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