Introducing my darling LUNA!!! Our story & professional animal PHOTO SHOOT!


Introducing my little bundle of joy !!!!
Some exciting news that I couldn’t wait to share with you all!
Being my birthday month in May, I took an exceptional amount of effort to spoil myself- since I never actually did that for my birthday. Normally I would settle down with a glass of wine, watch some tv shows and that would be it. Since it’s been a very tough year for me, I decided to take a number of trips, get a tattoo and maybe buy a few goodies… all for my birthday. While the tattoo worked out pretty well (check my other blogs for more info) and I managed to get to go on one trip… the rest of plans kind of fell apart…. But for a good reason!


After my exhibition in Birmingham, I stayed over one of my best friend’s apartment for a night before heading back to Wales. She and her sister have loads of cats. Me being a complete dog lover… I felt a bit out of place to start with. That’s until I saw a little scared anxious kitty that kept hiding wherever she could. And I decided to pick her up and hug her as I wanted her to feel a bit more calm. What I didn’t anticipate is that as soon as I picked her up I was struck with what I could only explain as – love at first sight- I never fully grasped that saying until that moment. I hugged her and kissed her and unlike many cats I met- she was very vocal, chatting back to me. In her own way- which goes something like - brrppptt squeak squeakkk brrpppttt. I didn’t want to put her down. I didn’t want to let her go. I looked at my friend with eyes full of joy and said: ‘’ I never liked cats until now. And if I got to have one, it would be her’’. And I was serious. The instant love I felt for this kitty, overcame any personal boundaries and any common sense I had in me. So I started talking my friends’ sister into giving her to me. Having no pets, no preparation, no further thought, I knew I wanted her and her only. It wasn’t just about getting a cat, I didn’t want one…. I just wanted her.

(Her first moments in a new home)

After some hardcore convincing my friends sister’ sold her to me. She said she doesn’t have much time to care for her or give her full attention as she has so many cats already, and as she was a gift she kept her. She said she would be happier with me, but she didn’t realize how happy she made me with that decision. I have no idea what came over me but I almost cried from joy. So here I was, driving 3 hours one way just to pick my girl up!


(Moments before she stole my yarn! )

And on that note let me officially introduce you all to her- This is Luna! I chose the name as I felt it suited her appearance. She is the most gentle cat I’ve ever come across, she always sits and acts like a lady and I love that she has a little bit of a beard which matches her derpy side of personality.
She is quite chatty, she doesn’t ‘meow’ properly but she makes all sorts of different cute voices instead. She wasn’t a playful cat to start with but after working on it for a few days, she absolutely loves it now… heck she demands it sometimes, jumping on me, squeaking and then running to toys.


(Home made toy)

I have to admit that I never thought in my life I would become a cat lady…. But I did. I still love dogs dearly, but I became that annoying person, who would show me hundreds of pictures of their cat with pure excitement, while I thought to myself ‘’whats a big deal?’’…. well, now I know.
She is spoiled like crazy, I basically blew some of my savings just to accommodate her in the most luxiourious way I could afford. I got her a nice scratch post, nice basket, countless toys and gadgets, made her a little sitting spot by the window where she can see a bird feeder. Basically I’m living off beans now while she’s being a little princess…. Am I a legit cat owner now? Hehe



I am unapologetically going to bombard you with photos of her, her and me, her and toys … I even did a little photo shoot of her since I’m a photographer, I couldn’t stop myself.



I wasn’t expecting any of this to happen in a million years, having a pet is impractical in my lifestyle and I thought I didn’t want one at this stage of my life… and then I met her. Now that she’s with me, I can’t imagine my life without her in it. She is beyond cute, and cheers me up every single day. She hugs me every single night before I fall asleep, I feel like we’re really bonded by something I can’t fully explain.




So on that note, I shall leave, as I could talk about her forever. But worry not this is probably not the last blog post about her!

Hope you enjoyed the blog!

Thank you so much for reading and see you next time !


Marta x


That is truly a surprise, I can see why you would have fallen for it though, she looks like a little Tuxedo , with the black and white, and definitely a candidate for some B&W photo competitions.
Congratulations, she now owns you. My sister has always said that "dogs have masters, and cats have servants." So be prepared to be the servant.

I enjoyed your post very much please keep them coming

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