Getting a BRAND NEW TATTOO !!! At Monster Ink in Wales !


Hello back follow steemian friends! I come back after a few days of silence as it’s come to be quite a turbulent time in my life. It happens to all of us ….the daily responsibilities require slightly more attention than normal, then some things go wrong which makes the time harder to deal with… until everything else crashes down in your life….and you SUDDENLY SPIN ON A ROLLERCOASTER OF DESPAIR among tight deadlines….. hehe
But good news! I’m alive and well and currently working on getting my life more organized after some hectic adventures. So today I shall treat you all to a new post with a newfound commitment to at least 2 posts per week. I really enjoy sharing my adventures and work with you all, it brings me joy to share that part of me and my life and hear your thoughts!


So today I will tell you about a little treat from myself to myself. It’s my birthday next month so I justified spending some money on a new tattoo I’ve been wanting for quite a while.
I have had 3 tattoos prior to this, so the experience is not entirely new. BUT. It was the first time my tattoo was going to be on show instead of hidden in snug places. My plans of having a full sleeve tattoo have maintained throughout my teenage years, and what was thought to be just a phase… turned out to be a personality trait that will stick strongly for years to come.



I planned for this tattoo to be placed on my wrist, as for the meaning… it’s personal, and maybe one day I shall share the story of it… but it’s not the time for now. In fact all I can say, is that every single tattoo has been done after I have overcome something significant in my life.

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The tattoo studio I chose to use is placed on a Welsh coastal town of Aberystwyth, and it’s called ‘’Monster Ink’’. Have been living in Wales for a while and can say honestly that sadly there wasn’t any good tattoo places around my area, unless you wanted to get a tribal tattoo in a mildly to a very badly filthy and unsanitary place.



That’s until these guys opened the studio. After going there to get my septum pierced I have been stunned by the sheer talent and professionalism of these people. The studio was clean, the customer service was spot on. I cannot recommend this place enough. I swore that day, that my next tattoo will be done by them….. and I’ve fulfilled the promise. Which I wouldn’t change for the world.



They relocated recently to a bigger studio, with multiple rooms all decorated in a very dark and artistic manner. If you follow my blog, you already know that I’m a dark lady who enjoys artsy stuff. So naturally, I took plenty of photos to share with you all.
My tattoo time came and I went to the room with Liarna. Liarna is a talented lady who specializes in pointillism tattoos which I thought would be ideal for this design. Alex is the other tattooist with a more realistic approach and shading.
The room was clean, snug and well decorated. I was given a remote in case I wanted to watch some Netflix on a tv screen nearby. I preferred to talk so I didn’t need that luxury, but I did ask for a free lollipop!


The session didn’t take too long, and wasn’t at all painful. That’s coming from someone who had their first tattoo done on their ribs- which is said to be the most painful place.
I loved how much detail the design has, and can’t express how much I genuinely love it ! Nothing I would change about it. The tattooist done such a good job, I’m so happy with it!


I hope you liked this post! Let me know your thoughts!

Feel free to upvote and resteem if you like this post and give me a follow if you’d like to see more from me!

Cheers for reading!

Marta x


Good to see you back here sweetie, hope that your struggles are behind you now. That is a real nice tatt, and as always you have did a great job in documenting the experience.

Thank you so much! Means a world! :)

Hey Marta, if you are going to be "hit and miss" on here there is a program that can help you maximize your earnings. What I mean by "hit and miss" is that you are not using all the up vote power you have available. From what I can tell , you don't up vote any comments or replies and I don't know if you are voting other posts that authors are creating daily so your votes just get wasted they don't build up.
There is group called @schoolofminnows and you can enroll with them,they will watch your voting power and if your power is at 100% they will cast one of your votes for another member of the school. When your power reaches 100% they will cast another. etc. so while you are not on here your voting power is being used. That helps the small fish like us make a few extra coins.
In return, when you do post a blog the school will come up vote your post as well with other members votes. They keep track of how many votes they have banked of yours and so they will return the same amount of value to you as you have provided. The best part is at no time does your account ever drop in power below the one vote mark, so if you do come back right even after a vote was cast from your account it would only be two hours until you were back at full strength.
I use it because while I am at work I can't always get on here and vote other folks stuff. Just thought I would pass that along. I've been using it for a couple weeks and it adds over time, it won't get you rich but it is free money so you may as well take it.

I do upvote posts, when I get some time free to read them but it sounds ideal! As it's nowhere near enough what other artists deserve and I get pretty busy at times. Thank you for pointing this out, I will definitely have a look into it! :D

No problem sweetie, I enjoy seeing your work and the way you tell your stories. The extra things that can help people I like to at least point out and make them aware of, who knows, it maybe just enough to keep you around while you build your audience.
I have to admit though, when I first came across you I didn't think I would end up being a fan. Your self described "dark side" was a few shades darker than I would normally pay attention too.
People are like books though, you don't just pick up a book and read the inside jacket cover and decide if the book is any good or not. You have to read at least a few chapters to make an informed decision, give it a fair chance so to speak.
So I don't click the follow button until I am sure I care for what is being offered on a regular basis, I made it a point to manually come and look at your work as you posted stuff. I think I started following you after your fourth post. If I had just relied on your jacket cover, we would not be having this conversation so I am glad that I give all people a fair shot and don't judge the book by the cover or inside jacket .
You have both the photographic skills and the story telling skills and that is why I will continue to watch my feed to see what you bring next.
Until next time,

That is so sweet and meaningful, thank you so much! I'm glad that my writing and photography is engaging as blogging is a new thing for me, but I enjoy it thoroughly! Never am sure if my documenting is any good so thank you for re-assuring me ! :D

Looks like a very neat tattoo studio and a great tat! :) Glad to see you back on Steemit

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