(Selfie from the trip!)

Hi there all!
It was a while since I shared my forest adventures with you, so here I have some new forest adventures! Yay! Sadly, being a goofball I am… While packing my camera away for the trip in a complete rush, I forgot to bring my battery (yes, it happens sometimes… even to the photographers who live off taking photos).


The realization of that hit when I was arriving at a location, on a perfectly gloomy day, in a place I’ve never been to before and the excitement of taking new photos almost combust within me, making me into a happy bubble of joy, I reached my camera to take my first photo of the day… and there it was…. No battery. After crying in the car for a complete time of 3 minutes and stuffing a chocolate bar in my face to sweeten the pain, I decided to head on a trek nonetheless and use my mobile one for photos. Yes, I needed to document this whatever way I could, and though the quality might not be great I believe I managed to capture the magic that was present within that misty forest landscapes.




The day was fairly warm, the air oh so humid, all the smells of pine trees and forest moss rose in the air making me feel drunk with joy. The path was very muddy and sometimes barely walkable but I didn’t mind at all, that was my challenge for the day.
I walked alongside the misty forest views, walking a bit off-path I also managed to come across a river which was crystal blue! Not a usual thing to see in Wales! Following that path I also came across some wooden bridges which made me feel as if I was in a fairytale land.



Obviously the trek took longer than anticipated, as I was distracted by tiny details of nature all around… whether it was moss hanging from trees, unusual shaped trees, weird coloured stones ….. and so the list goes on… I think you get the idea.
At times I felt as if I was in one of the Tolkien’s books, immersed in the magic land I kept walking and breathing in the fresh air. A pair of trekkers walked past giving me a friendly smile and a nice ‘’Hello’’. I thought to myself ‘’ wow.. these guys seem really cheerful’’, the reason why hit my face a few seconds after they walked past… and it was a very strong scent of ganja. I believe they know Mary Jane :) hehe



And there I thought to myself I’m the only one enjoying this gloomy day! Well I guess I was wrong!
After immersing myself deep into the forest paths, I managed to find a very pretty viewpoint with a nice bench (much needed at this time as my legs were killing me).


(Selfie time!)

I sat down staring as the blanket of mist covered the nearby trees, I listened to the birds singing and it was perfect. Such a beautiful moment to witness, so simple yet so special. I believe in the quote ‘’enjoy the little things’’, and I try to apply it daily in my life… even just a cup of warm coffee is enough to make my day.



After sitting there for a few minutes, it was time to get up and head back…. My legs were slowly giving up and there was a whole journey back left. One day I want to explore more paths of this wonderful place...
After getting back into the car, I watched more of the misty landscapes and although I was so tired, It was completely worth it! I felt really happy and really achieved, despite the fact I didn’t bring my camera!

Thank you all for reading,

Hope you enjoyed it!


Marta x


I love the one with the curved bridge--so magical!

yup! like in an elvish land! :)

Gorgeous forest. I love that trees are covered with moss it gives such a magical and fairy tale like feel.

Yes, it felt so surreal there... fog gave a nice atmosphere too :)

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