Fashion Blog series 1 - Me & my ACCIDENTAL BLUE HAIR


Hello Steemit Friends!
Today I come to you with something new! If you follow my blog, you're already well aware of my interests and the desire to apply my signature dark twist to anything I photograph. I travel, I organize photo shoots and on the days off I mostly edit and do artsy stuff such as diy and drawing/painting.

I have plenty of things I could share with you as I am always looking for new ways to channel my creativity, but I did stay quite focused on sharing just photography from my travels and photo shoots the last few months, as I thought these might be more interesting to read, rather than a blog on me knitting a scarf for example....


But that shall change today! I decided to share another one of my passions with you.... -insert the cheesy drum roll- ... FASHION.
I have always loved fashion... since the very young age when I would steal my mums clothes at mere 8 years old and walk to school in an over sized dress with new found confidence... when in fact I probably looked like a clown.

Nowadays being a grown adult, my taste got better thankfully but I still steal some clothes from my mum when I visit. She has a good taste. I can't help it.


Being entirely honest though, I have to admit that although my love for fashion runs deep.... I have been too broke to really show off with it. Majority of my budget goes for bills and whatever is leftover, I invest into photo shoots and travelling, which I undeniably don't regret. Buying fashion garments for photos is fulfilling enough, to bare walking around in old rags. hehe

Over the years however I did manage to create somewhat a wardrobe of my favourite pieces.... through bargains on sales or thrift shops.... (I am shameless to admit it, I see it as smart shopping).

Moving on, I see clothing as a form of language and self expression. I was always getting told off in school due to breaking uniform and dress rules, and I fought for a right to express myself freely! Even though it cost me loads of lunch breaks ! What a rebel was I...


Since I'm sharing so much on this platform, I thought I might try to occasionally involve some of my clothing items and how I wear them. A good ol' fashion blog. I'm not really the one for photos... there is a reason I'm a photographer. So excuse the cringy modelling attempt of mine.


In terms of this outfit, I did pick out my currently favourite lace top, high waisted trousers and some platform boots which are great for boosting the height and therefore confidence ....but you have to pay the price of possibly breaking your ankle while wearing them.

My accidental blue hair was a result of me mixing a wrong hairdye. I loved my silver hair but the sustaining did take a lot of effort as I had to colour refresh every week or so. Let's just say that I went for a stronger product, left it on for too long and then terrified myself after looking in the mirror to see the result. I decided to leave the blue in as stripping the colour would damage my hair more.
It makes me reminisce about my cringy teenage years when I had blue hair for about 2 years. But I decided to not dwell on it but own it, and make some new memories with it. hehe

(Some polaroid shots to finish off)

Let me know your thoughts guys ! Would you like to see more posts of mine like this, is it interesting and engaging? I am completely new to fashion blogging also so would really love some input!

As always, thank you all for reading ! Until the next time!


Marta x


Following your blog from few days ,your blocks are like awesome .i enjoy by reading your blogs. I am also a photographer but i dont have any idea of writing blog !Hope i will learn something by reading out your blogs :)

It's so nice to have you join my adventures :) I'm very happy you find me somewhat of an inspiration, you have no idea how much that means to me! Thank you! And I wish you very best in your blog writing! :)

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