Beautiful creatures that are ignored # 146
Beautiful creatures that are ignored # 146
Stenorhynchus seticornis - Caribbean spider crab
Your body can be assimilated to that of a terrestrial spider. They are also called arrow crab because of the triangular shape of their body. They are small animals that seek permanent protection between the decoration and the invertebrates of the aquarium. The most delicate can be disturbed or pecked in their wandering. We will rarely see them far from their hiding places.
This Specimen I got it in an anemone about 25 meters deep, while doing a recreational diving dive, I took some pictures.
I hope you like them.
Their habits are mostly nocturnal, presenting their greatest activity. In the aquarium, it will act as a scavenger admitting even commercial food not consumed by the rest of the inhabitants. In the wild it feeds on small invertebrates including polychaete worms and small feather duster worms.
They are territorial, so the maintenance of small volumes of water of several specimens is not viable. These animals, unlike other families of crabs, do not molt, so the amputated limbs are not regenerated.
Its coloration varies a lot from one individual to another, depending much on the coloration of the habitat.
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This Specimen I got it in an anemone about 25 meters deep, while doing a recreational diving dive, I took some pictures.
I hope you like them.
They are territorial, so the maintenance of small volumes of water of several specimens is not viable. These animals, unlike other families of crabs, do not molt, so the amputated limbs are not regenerated.
Its coloration varies a lot from one individual to another, depending much on the coloration of the habitat