
Like the second best, everything the motive disappear from the left side and inwards the picture :)


Theory has it that in the West where one reads from the left to the right, the habit is so ingrained that one tends to first look at the left of photographs. This photograph might actually have worked slightly better if flipped this way because you tend to look at the ship first and then follow the platform until it ends a little over 2/3 of the way.

🙂👍 Anyway a beautiful picture.

Thanks. There's always room for improvement, though. Dissatisfaction in one's own work is a good thing because it drives one to better one's skills.

First. Why? No reason exactly...just looks better to me

The second one. It looks like the ship is closer to the eyes than the first one.

What was the very first thing you paid attention to in this photograph?

The windows of the ship.

Lol. They are both the same but the first one. Your brain tells you they are opposites and because it saw the first image first it sees that as the one.

That's probably why everybody prefers the first one. The first one was also in a post I made last week. So you could say that this was a failed experiment. At the very least, I should've put the mirror image first. lol

Uhm... The first :)

The first one.

I think I know why you ask the question. It's about what the brain uses the person's brain. I feel more comfortable watching the first, I guess because I use the left transmitter, well, it's something I read years ago. But I like the dynamics whatever it is. Haha

I agree with you and you are right I also read a lot of that a long time ago.

That's got nothing to do with it. See my reply to @karja.

Haha! Good one!
I like the first photo!

Have any idea why?

I think the left side of the brain dictates our perception!

I think the original photo is the second one, I say it because I've seen it in other publications,
However, I like the first one more.

The first one is the original.

I will go for the first image ;)

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