Mushrooms occurring in Europe - Pseudocraterellus undulatussteemCreated with Sketch.


Pseudocraterellus undulatus - Hat 10 to 50mm in diameter, funnel-shaped, irregular, wrinkled, wavy, gray-brown to almost black, matt; shore wavy, curly, thin, lighter, often cracked and notched.

Hymenophore, smooth or radially wrinkled, mottled, but without distinct strips, converging on the shaft; light, gray, gray-yellow, beige, grayish, has a bluish tint.

Shaft 20 to 60 mm high, tapering to the base, usually full or empty only in the upper part, smooth, irregularly furrowed, often longitudinally concave and folded, pale gray.

Soft and delicate pulp, sometimes cartilaginous; pale, brownish gray; mild taste, odor weakly perceptible.

Occurrence: From July to October, in tufts - a few fruiting bodies can be grown together; in deciduous forests, parks, on the ground among fallen leaves, mainly under beeches, in damp places. Rare.

Value: edible fungus.

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