Mushrooms occurring in Europe - Hypholoma sublateritium


Hypholoma sublateritium - Hat diameter 0d 30 to 120 mm, with a yellow edge with a brick-red peak; young bell-shaped, later convex to an outstretched; dry and smooth surface; the shore is profusely covered with greenish-yellow remains of the cover.

Lamellae in young fruiting bodies whitish, later olive or greyish-green, to almost black with a lighter blade; Gestures, rounded or sinuate in the shaft.

Stem up to 120 mm high, fibrous, hollow; in the upper part pale yellow, downward brown; slender, often bent; the veil zone is darkly colored by spores.

The ring in the form of a dark streak; it fades quickly.

The pulp is white-yellow, yellowish, unchanging. Taste slightly bitter. Smell unspecified.

Occurrence: Common from April to late autumn; on decaying deciduous trunks.

Value: Inedible, poisonous fungus.

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