Mushrooms occurring in Europe - Agaricus fuscofibrillosus
Agaricus fuscofibrillosus - Hat diameter 40 to 150 mm; young, hemispherical, slightly flattened, later flat-arched with a dull, umbonate in the middle. Radially fibrillose surface, scaly; nut-brown, cocoa-brown, red-brown, darker in the center. The shore with the remains of a hanging casing. .
Lamellas up to 9.5 mm wide, free; in young people pinkish, with age darken to chocolate-brown, brown; blades whitish. After the damage, they turn discolored into crimson.
Stem 50 to 150 mm high, 6-25 mm thick; even, at the base slightly widened or slightly bulbous; young white, full; with age brown, empty. The surface below the ring is slightly fibrillose, above it is smooth.
The ring is delicate, narrow, dangling; white, with age it darkens.
The pulp is compact, not very hard, whitish; after cutting it turns red quickly. Mushroom scent, but sometimes quite unpleasant; mild taste.
Occurrence: In deciduous forests. It grows singly or in dispersed groups; from September to October.
Value: Edible fungus