Ecosystem on The Cultural Heritage at Ateuk Jawo Village

in #photography8 years ago (edited)


@mapesa routine activities, implement mutual cooperation on every Sunday at all locations of cultural heritage, which did not receive attention. This activity we carried with the mission:

  1. Search for, maintain, preserve, and preserving the civilization and history of Aceh.
  2. Stimulating knowledge and develop human resources.
  3. Build cross-cultural understanding: through the protection of cultural heritage.
  4. Establish communication between state institutions in the field of education, science and culture.

We do not get paid from this charity work, both the chairman and members. Donations from the community we use for the development of science, and cost of food in the field.

We always record the ecosystem in the area of cultural heritage, while performing mutual cooperation in the context of Restructure and protect sites cultural heritage relics Aceh Darussalam Kingdom. The existence of ecosystems in sites cultural heritage is important to us, in conducting scientific research development. In STEEMIT we displaying photographs the ecosystem that integrates the cultural heritage objects, we taken on Sunday 30 October, 2016, when the mutual cooperation in cultural heritage at Ateuk Jawo village, Banda Aceh City, Sumatra.

Photographs mutual cooperation activities on Sunday 30 October, 2016 we already posting with the title: "Claw and Dragon Fins on Gravestones of Aceh Darussalam"

This photograph was taken by @mapesa chairman, Mr Mizuar or @steemwart with Nikon D5100

Millipede [Diplopoda]




Scorpion [Hottentotta tamulus]



Cocoon [Pupa]


Earthworms [Lumbricus terrestris]




standfast 👍

Very impressive this photo ;D
keep on steemit @mapesa

nice photo, and activities that you do too good

@steemgld: thank, we are very excited with these activities

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