
I'm glad you included the 2 flower pics and not just grass. lol

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.012 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.000 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.012 SBD from the community!

A bounty of 0.019 SBD has been set on this post by @majidawan! You can read how they work here.

Beautiful photos, did you take them?

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.047 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.047 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.000 SBD from the community!

Thanks for appriciation

The bounty on this post has been increased to 0.029 SBD by @majidawan!

The bounty on this post has been increased to 0.059 SBD by @majidawan!

What did you use to touch those photos up with?

I like those flowers! Photography job is wonderful, too. Congratulations, @majidawan

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