Be useful

in #photography6 years ago

Recently saw Joe Rogan’s podcast with Elon Musk. It was a good one since you don’t often get to see less formal, controlled and long format conversations with him. It offered a lot of insight and food for thought, so I can definitely recommend seeing the whole thing, if you haven’t already.

One thing Elon said stuck with me the most was I try to be useful to others. There is no denying that the guy has a brilliant mind, but I think this mindset is one of the things that makes him different from other brilliant minds. He knows his potential and he uses it for the betterment of the future for as many as he can think of. Focusing on fields that in future will make all the difference.

Imagine if everyone out there focused on these ideas instead of who will make the biggest profit or stick it to the others. How much more humankind could accomplish with the mindset of being useful to others. Emphasis to others.

There are of course many ways how to be useful. Ask  yourself how can I be useful to others? Ask this question often. You don’t need a lot of resources to be useful. Sometimes it is enough with just showing your support or sharing your input. Kick your envy and greed in the ribs and cheer for other’s successes, because in a way those are our collective successes.  

Song of the day: Bring Me The Horizon - MANTRA 


some will call Elon the biggest con-man of our age... and I'm one likely to agree with them...

The Joe Rogan podcast was actually the first time when I felt an honest sympathy for Elon... the podcast touched on so many important subjects and was really inspiring, but he's still also kind of creepy...

Oh and if you found Elon's mindset outstanding... take a look at one of his "rivals"?! ...

The video is called "I Can Make Your Car Drive Itself for Under $1,000" and it might seem a bit off topic throughout the beginning... but "trying to be useful" is actually the biggest takeaway in the end...

Gasp! ... Thank you for letting me know about the podcast! I'll have to watch that as soon as I can. Elon Musk, as I think I must have told you already at some point, is my personal hero.

The point you make is something I've grappled with for some time. Almost everything I do is primarily me-focused... My art, my writing, my blogs here, my teaching... My, my, my... But I've always agreed with this sentiment of being useful to others somehow.

I suppose in order to really be useful to anyone, one needs to first be in a position to do that, so self-improvement is a necessary part of the process...

Another part of it would be, I guess, just getting out there and being available to others... Being interested in others, not only going as far as how much knowing them can benefit you. Caring for them. A small change in attitude can achieve this.

And hmm... Rabbit-hole clue... Again, nothing direct, but you do seem more inspired and eager, somehow... =)

Ahaha! Absolutely! Elon Musk is sort of my hero as well and yes, I think you mentioned it when Starman went to up there with his cherry red roadster :)

Yeah. I am familiar with my, my, my as well, but I keep thinking also about how can I be more useful to others though. Sometimes it feels like not enough and that I am not useful at all, but then the self-improvement part, like you said, kicks in.

I struggle with availability. Either I am all in and then I have no time for myself or anything of mine or I am not available. Probably need to improve my balancing skills when it comes to this. Right now they seem very sad though.

Ah, the rabbit hole, hehe. All I can say for now, it will be very visible once I land there at the bottom :)

It really is a pendulum in my mind when it comes to this... Wanting to be useful and helpful to the people in my life, and wanting to just spend all my efforts on making sure I enjoy the limited time I have as a conscious mind, existing. I think the thing to try realise and hold onto is that these two things often don't need to be mutually exclusive.

And availability... Gods... I'm exactly the same. Mostly not available, if I'm honest. I'm fussy with my "messages in a bottle".

And I really (really) can't wait to see what is at the bottom of yer rabbit hole...

Oh wow, Joe got Elon to his podcast! I'll definitely have to check it out once I get wifi on my hands.

Yeah, definitely! I mean it is a bit long, but so worth it ^^

I've always enjoyed the long podcasts.

Sometimes it is enough with just showing your support or sharing your input.

You hit the nail right on the head buddy; many times it is the little things done consistently that matter

Absolutely. Little things add up even when they sometimes don't seem to affect anything they actually matter the most.

very well put! The world would be a better place indeed if everyone thought this way. It's proof that you can be successful AND be useful to others at the same time.

Behind every winner stands an army of people who helped them along the way. If everyone worked for the greater good for all, world would be a different place :)

HiM31. Quite right as it is all about themselves these days. Any other kind of thinking isn't normal anymore.

Hi cryptoandcoffee. Maybe one day we will all be simply uploaded to the cloud where we will exist as one in the sea of information, building, expending our horizons as one and our individuality won't matter as much. Maybe then we will accomplish those great things we sometimes dream of.

i watched this interview in youtube my friend m31. Elon musk is amazing! Such a cool interview. thanks for your article, and beautiful flowers...yellow is so sweet my friend m31.

It is a pity though that most of media took this as outrage about the fact that Elon tried weed xD People can be really silly and not focus on the right issues. It was really interesting, the whole conversation :)

I’m listening to it right now.

Hope you found it interesting :)

After losing a major job and suffering a setback, I have adopted this principle and it has helped me soldier on. What is the essence of life afterall if we cannot be useful to those around us

Indeed. Still it seems for so many it is hard to put needs of others in front of their own and not just needs, but even when they have all in excess.

Wow....really excellent post and lovely flower photoshoot..🌺📷 dear friend m31..Love you

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