Just Out For A Rip In Nova Scotia, Canada

in #photography7 years ago

This is what we do in Canada eh!

We go out for rips when we're bored, been at it my whole life and it never gets old. So come out for a rip with us on this beautiful Autumn day.


My musical suggestion for this drive is "Pulled Over The Car" by one of my favourite bands 'Morphine'.

Hit It


Brace yourself for high speed Autumn ripping!







Hope that didn't make you dizzy, we'll slow down now :)



Interesting location for a fire hydrant...

Entering Historic Peggy's Cove




You can see Peggy's Cove Lighthouse way off in the distance...






The Village








The Lighthouse




Thanks for going out for a rip with us EH!


Play music --> scroll down --> crazy pics
I felt that I was in that car haha
btw, the village is pretty cool.
Great post Lyndsay!
Now I'm going to search 'Morphine' on Youtube :D

Awwww, thank you for listening to the song!! You're after my own heart! xoxo :) I hope you like Morphine, they are an incredibly unique band...if you thought this song was funny, check out "virgin bride" just comedy!

haha thanks to you for share awesome stuff :)
I will check out virgin bride

A good day for a drive, eh?
I have to wonder what winter is like there...cold and windy, I would imagine...

At Peggy's Cove it sure is windy in the winter, out in the open like that, but just 10 minute away where we live, it can be pretty sheltered :) Altogether it's one of the warmer places to live in Canada, Nova Scotia's south shore.

I would imagine that the ocean currents help a lot with moderating the temperature there.

Yes for sure, I'm lucky to still be picking tomatoes out of the greenhouse and have peas and beans just beginning to bear fruit on the last plant I did <3 I'm sure you still have lots of goodies in your garden too eh?

No, my garden is done except for the root crops. I have a couple of stray tomatoes, but that's all.

Nice one babe although you had me cleaning my glasses thinking the blurry pics were my crappy eye site 😂😂😂
Keep it up babe, you're killing it.

Hhahaa I know they hurt my eyes actually lol :)

Oh it looks like y'all had so much fun.. Nice touch with the blurred pics 👍

Thanks for appreciating the fall blur! :) xo

Those last pictures of the village and the cove are awesome! Looks like a cool little spot

Thanks Jeff, it's one of our favourite places to go out for a rip!

I honestly don't think I've heard that term used before... :D

Reminds me so much of back east where my flawless accent was formed lolllllz, j/k

Somebody did a song called "Out for a rip," I think.

Yea hahaha love that accent :) :) :)

I'm assuming you've had your fill of the Maine accent... sounds kind of "ignant" XD

Somebody did a song called "Out for a rip," I think.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Those first few pics gave me flashbacks....now I am going to have to see my therapist twice a week instead of once.

Thanks a lot. :)

Seriously interesting concept....pretty cool...how fast would you guess you were going in the first set of pics.

By the way, I get my pics to look like that standing still...am I doing something wrong?

Bwa hahhahahaaa niiiiiiiice....yes, you are doing something wrong hahahaa....

Um, we were going about 70km/h

Hmmm that wouldnt work for me...

I usually stick my head out the window when the car hits 70 like dogs do....makes it a bitch when driving in the rain.

Did you see what I did there? Dog and bitch...pretty clever isnt it? :)

The high speed photos are just impressionist paintings. ;)
Also I love that there was a piper there!

Oh why thank you hahaha :) I am an impressionist in the making hahahahaa :)

The sound of the bagpipes always brings a smile to my face, was cool that he was out there today!

I like the pictures of the village .. very natural

I feel like I'm sick after the first pictures :D that was fast...)))

I know...they were too much ahhahahaa

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