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RE: Merry Christmas from Mount Washington, New Hampshire

in #photography7 years ago

the speed was logged at 231 miles per hour.

Having just read your supersonic flight post, I now realize you were within sight of the mountain you noted - this is pretty cool.

Did they happen to mention why that area conjures such mighty winds?



Rather than look it up, I'll just speculate based on my imperfect memory. I had a friend who once worked on the mountain, and believe he was present there in 1934 when the record was logged. He is no longer with us, but he was a dear friend and encourager when I was a young man.

As I recall, the reason(s) are that Mt. Washington sticks up like a sore thumb there in Northern New England, and so is about the first "tall thing" that the winter jet streams encounter as they cross the country. That's assuming that the jet stream is somehow deflected a little downward from its normal altitude when it hits that area.

Now that I've piqued your curiosity, I suspect you'll be able to go look up the real reasons on the internet...

Someday I'll write a story or two about my friend Alex MacKenzie, and his pioneering work in ionospheric radio propagation and his tenure at the peak of Mt. Washington... :D


Your recollection makes sense on the reasons for the intense winds there at Mt Washington.

Mr MacKenzie sounds like a real genius. I’m still looking up what his work even means in the dictionary. :)

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