I share a bit of the city where I live. les comparto un poco de la ciudad donde vivo.

in #photography7 years ago

Pereira, is the city where I live, it is a municipality and capital of the department of Risaralda.

Pereira, es la ciudad donde vivo, es un municipio y capital del departamento de Risaralda

It is the most populated city in the coffee-growing region, it is located in the central-western region of the country, in the valley of the Otún River, in the central mountain range of the Colombian Andes.

Es la ciudad más poblada de la región del eje cafetero, está ubicada en la región centro-occidente del país, en el valle del rio Otún, en la cordillera central de los andes colombianos

As the capital of the Risaralda Pereira department, it houses the headquarters of the Risaralda governorate, the departmental assembly, the departmental court, the metropolitan area, and the general prosecutor's office,

Como capital del departamento de Risaralda Pereira alberga las sedes de la gobernación de Risaralda, la asamblea departamental, el tribunal departamental, el área metropolitana, y la fiscalía general,

Being in the center of the Bogota-Medellin- and Cali gold triangle, it has gained relevance especially in commerce, hotels, and construction.

Por estar en el centro del triángulo de oro Bogota-Medellin- y Cali, ha cobrado relevancia especialmente en el comercio, hoteles, y construcción.

I leave evidence that the images are taken from different Internet media, I do not have rights in them, I just want to share them so that they know how beautiful my city is.

dejo constancia que las imágenes son tomadas de diferentes medios de Internet, no tengo derechos en ellas solo las deseo compartir para que conozcan lo hermosa que es mi ciudad.


It looks like a great place to live. So different from my own country of Scotland in so many ways. We have a colder climate generally and now the sunsets at around 4:25pm. I hope to visit sometime

Thank you very much for writing, and comment, you are very kind. With pleasure you are welcome in my house, there are many beautiful things of my city and my countr

I will follow you and like, the idea is to support us as a community, thank you for visiting and supporting me.

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