
Nice pictures, and do you captured after the sunset. It might be astonishing.

Yes, I did stay till after sunset, but it didn't look as nice as this one. I like how the sun is behind the lonely tree. I stayed here for hours and almost wasn't able to get back out.

The first day I went with a friend, we got there too late and missed the sunset. So, we decided to get a hotel to go back in the morning.

That night we went to the bar since there was nothing else to do. Went to bed, woke up then started driving back to Bear Mt. We figured we find a place to eat on the way there, but before we knew it, we had arrived.

I had a light bulb moment and figured it would be faster if we climb straight up the mountain, instead of hiking around the path. The further we went, the harder it got. I quickly realized it was a bad idea, but it was too late to make an attempt to go back down. It would have been even more dangerous. I was already starving and hungry since we haven't had any breakfast. It was clear going straight up was no longer an option, so we started slowly going sideways and luckily we found a path!

But soon realized, we weren't that lucky. The path we found was the advance path that was closed for the winter. There was still ice on the rocks which made it a mission to climb with all our camera gear. At the end, we made it to the top and stayed till late after sunset.

Now when it was time to go back down, I already had no more energy and only had a few sips of water left. It was so dark, we couldn't even see where we were going. Lucky our phone had a flash light built in, but it wasn't strong enough to see whats in front of us, we had to point it to the ground to make sure we didn't trip. It took hours, but we safely made it back.

Now, anytime I plan on a hiking trip, I make sure I have a proper flashlight. I end up getting the "Olight S2 Baton". It's super powerful, but yet lightweight and small. A normal flashlight wouldn't do any good when it's pitch black outside.

Flashlight is required that's true when it's totally dark out there but I must admit I have seen a lot of nice pictures in the low light. Hopefully, you will get your best shot sometime sooner. Best of luck for that :)

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