Adventures In Trying To Take Your Own Headshots | Randomness

in #photography5 years ago (edited)

For anyone who has followed my blog for awhile, you’ll know I hate taking photos of myself.. in fact that is why there are so many here on this blog. I know, you think that doesn’t make sense.. but I swear it does.

Months ago I started An unexpected journey with the goal of pushing myself out of my comfort zone in order to grow as an individual.

One of the things that made me the most uncomfortable on that list, is self portraits. And that’s why my face is all over this blog. I think doing the things that makes us the most uncomfortable helps to build confidence and grow overall as a human being.

Also, I would like to take portrait photos for others in the future and I feel it’s good practice to try on myself... no matter how painful.

Onto the headshots

I am thankful to be a part of the Global Blockbuilders Conference in Austin next month and I was asked for a headshot for the website. Weirdly enough, I didn’t have any of those laying around...

So, I set up the camera.. tried a thousand different places where the lighting was ok and attempted to not look like a total stooge.

I seriously don’t know how people do this so well, I feel so completely awkward in front of the camera.. and so I figured I needed to share that awkwardness with all of you!

Nothing like a bit of behind the scenes right?! 😜

And after so much time setting up the tripod to not fall down the hill, setting the timer and doing spurts of takes at once.. I got one where my face doesn’t look weird.. right in time for the sun to come through the trees and mess it up 😄 I really should get a remote...

Ah, see.. looking away from the camera is my natural habitat! No? That won’t work for a headshot? Sheesh...

Ok, I’m sure you all have had enough of my face.. I know I have.

I did get a couple of decent shots, I guess.. after more weird ones then I’d like to admit...

Somehow it was the only one where I was “smiling” that didn’t look too weird.. Smiling is so awkward in front of a camera... and I feel like I look like a grown up there.. which apparently is important when you are in your 30’s 🤷🏻‍♀️

So, there is my painful adventure in getting a headshot.. next time you see that perfect photo by your favorite photographer, remember how many shots of awkward weirdness that took to get it! 😜

Oh and for the record, and for the sake of realness.. I do use an after editing to smooth my skin a bit and soften colors in each shot... because I’m an imperfect human and a bit of “smoothing” never hurt anyone. 😄

What do you do to push yourself out of your comfort zone?

Much Love,



The acces pass for the globalblockbuilders convention has a winner with the last one headshots are so normal, and that one has a body like a real person.

One off them fits THE FACE LOOK
Have a great day!

Oh and @soyrosa do we need headshots for Steemit Meet Up Achen friday 😉😂

Haha! Thank you! Looks like a fun contest, I’ll check it out!

This one is closer to the real you though @llfarms! Don't you want people to take you as you are? Why lie with that super 'adult' pic? :')

Hahahaha! So true! It will take them about 5 secs after meeting me to know I fooled them with that adult looking headshot 😂


It's basically catfishing :')

😂😂😂😂 oh gawd, it’s true!

This is a nice natural feeling one in my opinion:

I have wanted to try the same. Can I wear makeup too?

Haha, thanks.. I do think this one is more me.. pretty sure I was laughing about how ridiculous I felt here..

Please recreate it! And makeup or it didn’t happen 😜

I tried a selfie last night - Felt like a knob. I went no makeup though so I think that with a little mascara and eyeliner, I could get my eyes to pop.

Oh yes, the eyes are key! Window to the soul you know 😉 make ‘em pop!

That was my favorite of the group too.

Thank you Bryan 😊

The best amateur video on popular music is all about making Jabba the hut faces .
So don't worry , just sail ! .... ;-)

Hahahahah thank you! I love it 😜

You look great in all of them, Justine <3 I love that you don't mind being weird and not acting like a grown-up. They should know what to expect right? Wonderfully weird, clever, funny, beautiful you. :D

PS: That's some amazing background right there...

Awe thank you! ❤️❤️❤️

I figured including every single photo where my eyes were half open or my face was doing something weird would be over the top.. but believe me.. there were plenty 😜

Yeah, I think we should embrace the weirdness.. but I guess a headshot is suppose to be somewhat professional so weird

Yes, it seemed silly to take them inside when I had some stunning hills as a backdrop.

Thanks for your kind words and encouragement ❤️ You’re the best.


Hands... so useful... except when people are looking at us.

I actually need to take a business-y headshot this weekend and I'm not at all looking forward to it. Seems like such a waste to put on corporate-y clothes for the first time in forever just for a photo.

P.S) Keep Austin Weird.

It’s so true!! Where do I put them!?’ 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

Ohhh sounds fancy! I hope you share after 😜

And Austin will get just a wee bit weirder for the time I’m there.. as I bring weird with me wherever I go haha

Are you intentionally angling your face each time to the camera? I have always found that buddha smile is the best way to go - the relaxed half smile, just look straight into the camera and imagine you are buddha :) EDIT but I am also absolutely a shameless exhibitionist and have no issues at all about presenting myself to a camera, or a stranger, full on. I know it is not so easy for most people. But I do think you should at least try a couple straight on, relaxed, looking straight into the camera with a half smile and see what happens

just look straight into the camera and imagine you are buddha :)

Buddha Steel.

Lol! I wasn’t intentionally doing anything but looking at them I do angle my head a weird way 🤔 lol.

I am going to have to give the Buddha smile a try, and yes you are quite the exhibitionist.. as I could neve pull off those looks you do 😉

Thanks for the advice! ❤️

lol nice... I can relate to feeling really awkward on camera like that. I feel like I would be better off just taking a photo of what’s behind me than ruining it with awkwardness 🤣

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Yes! That was me until a few months ago.. there were on a few photos of me in existence. Haha. But I do have to say the method of forcing myself to jump out of my comfort zone has helped quite a bit.

I love that confidence! Your eyes are smiling too :D
The first one surprised me lol

Awe, thanks love ☺️

The first one should not surprise you at all lol.. there are at least 4 of that face already on this blog in the past 😜 old habits die hard..

Why sporadically exclude the mushroom bouquet concept pic? I thought it really capped off the shoot.

Wow, a mushroom bouquet... just wow 😂😂😂😂

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