
cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not 😊😊😊. When this picture I show my children, they ask "father, the cat is beautiful" thanks for share @liondani

Wow are those eyes photoshopped?

I have only adjusted a little bit brightness,contrast and sharpness and I put in a lens flare effect... but as you can see from the original photo the changes are minimal and the eyes are really emerald-green because of the colors next to the cat I suppose.

That's the original photo I have taken:

Incredible pic! Beautiful cat!

@liondani Cats have sharp eyes, cat one of the many pets in every human liking, because cat good nature, I really like the post there...thanks for sharing

Nice picture...I love how you frame the cat in between the flowers to draw the viewers eye into the subject....and the eye of that cat though...something else...I 'd like to have a little cat if I can...great post...thanks for sharing

Shining emerald eyes. Amazing

Absolutely you're right @morjerbera really it's amazing

That is an amazing shot! The surrounding green vegetation matches the eyes beautifully. It is pretty cool how cat eyes are like reflectors allowing them to see well when it's dark. I also heard that colorful eyes in general allows for better vision when it's dark, that why the more north you go the more blue the eyes get.

beautiful cat, this is a cat picture I've ever edited, and I love it @liondani


Have a great day 😊😊

Amazing...I am in love with the Cat

WOW! Your cat has absolutely Amazing eyes!
Is your kitty a male or a female? My guess is female because I find that females photograph WAY better than males. My cat is a large male short-haired Maine Coon and he photographs like a big dumb lumux (its not what he looks like real life).

☝️ That's an amateur photo I just snapped of him. It seems to capture his whole essence- if you know what I mean.
Thanks for sharing!

its wonderfull and cute ur shot is best @liondani

Woooow nice pic i love the eye

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