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RE: Adventures Around Acapulco: Cool Abandoned Building

in #photography7 years ago

It's a pretty big place, comparable to most of the cities I've lived in, but keep in mind I've not lived in huge cities. It's got a big city feel while still having small town characteristics, like we run into our friends out and about all the time, giving the mexicans the impression that all the white people know eachother haha.

The community here is good in that it's starting, but it's just that. It's not a full fledged developed community. I know some people have come to be disappointed by the fact that there isn't much of one yet. There are people and they're trying but most of us don't know what that's like. It's a learning experience for all involved. A good way to say it is that we're in beta.

That being said, we are looking for more people who are interested in being agorists, starting businesses or partnering with us on things. There's not enough agorism here yet and we want to change that. We recognize the best community will be a community of doers and creators, so we need more of those :)

Houses are available all over, for all sorts of price ranges. For like 1200-1500 dollars a month you could have a mansion with a maid ect.


thanks for taking your time to help me understand a little about the place. I am glad that you guys are trying to help in what way you can. 👊🏻

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