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RE: Apple Cider Vinegar Adventures: First Ferment Photo Bomb

in #photography7 years ago

I somewhat miss Oregon's weather, but I get being tired of the atmosphere in the states. That's one of the nicest things, reading crappy news from the states knowing I'm very far away. In Acapulco, there's not much rounding up of illegal aliens. I happen to be one, I run from the cops on a regular basis and I've honestly never had an issue. I'm not a target, other then they wanna get bribes because we're white. The thing with the recent, very public deportation from Mexico everyone's a buzz about is that he was engaging in very risky activity as an illegal, by using the buses from Mexico city to guadalajara. Its a known route to be hit. AS an illegal I will avoid the busses until I'm more legal just to avoid any issues. But like I said, I've never had an issue, never even been asked for a visa. When I ship stuff and they ask for an id, i tell them know and write down my name. And it works. When we buy phones, we tell them no to id and they deal haha.

As for business, anyone that has the gumption, money and knowhow to start a business can do so here very easily. I've seen it myself. Certain parts of the city do extort for you to be in business in terms of having a shop or something, but business is remarkably easy. I've got myself between so many businesses for this reason and when I tell mexicans what I do I get respect, because it's the mexican way. I actually told a canadian that married a woman from here what I do and he said "Oh, so you're a mexican"(i clearly don't look the part, I look irish as fuck) The point is you totally can if you're willing to do the work. It wont be easy as I've found but it will work out. So many little niches to fill here and it's the place you could come and open like any business and do well. Any exotic food places would do well, craft brewerys would, bakeries or cupcake bakeries, frozen yogurt places, ect. even popsicle stores.

And with cannabis it's in this weird state at the moment. It's been made legal for medical purposes but there are no laws on how that will look so no one's technically doing anything about it. There are private individuals using and growing it and they've got the right to do that now, but it's still technically illegal in a lot of ways. That's all changing really rapidly though. Your main concern isn't harrasment from authorities but possible theft, which is a HUGE concern for ANY grower anywhere.

If you're ready to just ignore the state and be an agorist, Mexico will be good to you. It's much better geared for that as we've found. We're getting into all of our dream businesses and all it's taking is the work...which isn't easy. I work literally constantly but I'm free, so fuck it :)


Thank you so much Lily for all the information and words of encouragement. That sounds like my kind of place. Freedom is a little dangerous and chaotic but it's the only way to find happiness.

Ive found the same. Things are a bit chaotic here but its honestly so refreshing it hurts a good way haha

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