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RE: The European hornets will soon be out

Great photos, I've never seen one hornet wasp, but it is one of my pending​ posts about invasive species (i need to search first, so this post is great cause it has some important info about this species. I'll bookmark it for future reference).

Especially enjoyed the "This is a repost of older photos; my pool of new photos was reset to zero for technical reasons and is still regenerating."!! I didn't saw this pictures before, so I'm glad you recovered it! :)


Are they invasive where you live?

Ups, my mistake! Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) is the problem, not this one! Sorry, need to put my brain to work, it's 10 a.m.!!

Those haven't made it to The Netherlands yet, the closest countries where they were seen are France and England, so I expect them here as well.

They are in the north Portugal already and the government is taking measures to control them. It's a massive problem for our bees!!

Yes, the local European honey bees don't have good defences against these Asian hornets.

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