Photographer with 6 Types of Fiat Currency in His Camera Bag! Steemit Travel Blog

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

As a photographer I travel international a lot and while in Trieste, Italy on Sunday I was digging in my bag for some Euros and pulled out six types of fiat money! No damn Euros in the bag! But six types of currency. When wildigital currency without borders? I first heard the word Bitcoin several years ago and thought it was money that criminals use; it wasn't until March of this year I started studying up on crypto because of my good buddy Seth. Everyday he would text me "Cryptos UP!" I'll admit I was skeptical and advised him to be careful when it came to buying digital currency.

Since March of this year I have opened up a coinbase and poloniex account and have dabbled in trading

I'm just a photographer trying to hustle in the entertainment industry but see a future in blockchain technology. I don't claim to be any type of expert but I am learning a little bit everyday. I'm interested in the practical applications of the technology and I'm also active on Steemit. I love this social media platform! I'm in it for the long haul and happily share my limited knowledge of crypto and Steemit on a daily basis.

With that being said let's dive into some iPhone photos that document my trip in Italy and Croatia. You might even get to know me a little bit

First, I didn't take this picture of a beautiful Colombian girl. She is someone that I dated about six years ago in Colombia. She happened to be in Venice at the same time as me. She's married now, but she still sent this image to me. I guess we had some sort of deep connection that never really went away. I was terrified that I was going to run into her.

I'm a huge fan of beer these days. I got off the beaten path while shopping near Saint Marco's Square and had a beer with my mom. Man that was some tasty beverage. So if you ever take my photography workshop or want to send me a nice gift from your special country so I can sample some fine brew I won't turn you down. : )

Walking the streets of Venice my first morning I decided to take my first iPhone selfie in a long time. Only for the Steemians will I post such an awful photo. LOL. You guys inspire me. I had a tripod in my hand, something I rarely use unless I do long exposure work.


Venice is a particular place; you can be walking down a street and all of a sudden it will dead end into a canal. Options: back track or swim. But it's well worth the hassle of getting lost because it's so damn beautiful. Streets and alleyways aren't like a grid, they go any direction don't come to Venice if you aren't willing to do some walking. Me...I love it.

The Bridge of Sighs was the last view of beautiful Venice before they through you in the slam...I mean dungeon. I saw where the prisoners lived; it must have sucked! Below I posted an ancient image that was drawn by a prisoner. Spooky and weird.

I got off the ferry late night one evening on the way back to my apartment and saw this dude snapping off images of his hot girlfriend. She Wasn't that Into Him and Was Kind of Mean Maybe she was posing for her Instagram and just going to shop the contract. I just call it like I see it. LOL.

A guy was sitting watching me take pictures of Italian model, Eva. He was kind of enough to send this image to me while I was in my element. Eva and I had a blast shooting in Venice and I even went to visit her for the day in her home town of Trieste. Photography has a wonderful way of bringing people together. You can see a video I made of her below:

Eva was a blast to shoot.

Here's what my day pack looks like when I feel like getting out of town and go super minimalist. Travel is about having a plan and being open to not having a plan. If an opportunity comes your way, I say jump on it! Here's my gear bag info note: Huge thanks to Think Tank Photo for hooking me up with their Street Walker backpack

Canon 5D with 3 primes
Anker cell battery charger
Philips Electric tooth brush
Shorts and Tshirt
UE Megaboom speaker
Gaffer tape
US Passport
Various camera filters
Catwalk Curls Rock

That's enough for an overnight and a shoot my friends!

Creepy Venitian prisoner drawing from hundreds of years ago. Drawing his lady I imagine. Tough situation

Here's another one of the old girlfriend. Damn she looks good. Lucky dude married her. LOL.

My mom is taking a painting workshop and we are traveling together on this trip. Venice, Italy and Porec, Croatia. While she's painting I'm goofing off taking pictures and shooting video. I met a dude who is a professional bluesman on this trip and we hung out in an ancient hillside town and drank some local brews. More beer!

You can never have enough gear shots. Here's my Backpacker's Studio in full swing on a water taxi in Venice. Armed with light stand and soft box. It's a minimalist setup for sure; but I'm traveling! Ain't gots no room for the big guns.

I never get tired of looking at passport stamps. Memories run through my bones when I see all the places I have been; all the trouble I've gotten myself into. Man, I should write a damn book. If I was a better writer...

I wonder how many people are still reading this? Comment below if you read the whole thing. Maybe I'll send you a T-shirt from Croatia or send you some bitcoin (include your bitcoin or eth address in the comments). This image was taken in that hillside town where I was drinking what with that bluesman?

I hope you enjoyed this. I'm running on dialup speeds at Villa Gloria that overlooks the Adriatic. Mosquitoes are buzzing me and a huge spider ran across my keyboard. I must love Steemit. Good night. PS This place rocks...I'm totally okay with everything above. Stay here if you ever get a chance.


Hey @lightenup, love your detailed travelogue and the great photos. I'm fairly new to cryptos too, but indeed it would be a travelers dream to not worry about the hassles of currency conversion.
And about reading the whole thing, some people do and some don't - interaction has seen a change after HF19 :) But over a period of time, once we gain dedicated followers interested in same content, we're bound to get a more better conversation flowing! :)

This gem of a post was discovered by the OCD Team!

Reply to this comment if you accept, and are willing to let us promote your gem of a post! By accepting this, you have a chance to receive extra rewards and one of your photos in this article will be used on our compilation post!

You can follow @ocd – learn more about the project and see other Gems! We strive for transparency.

I accept. LOL. Thanks for the response. Let's collaborate on some new material. I have some ideas on entertaining crypto videos. Let me know.

That's quite interesting, I'm not sure if I'm the right person for the job, but a collaboration sounds cool :D Followed you and hopefully we can do something awesome in the near future :)
BTW congrats, your blog got selected to be featured in the @ocd compilation post!

Wow. Stunning photography. I love the shot of the canal through the triangle shaped peephole, great eye! Thanks for sharing, cheers!

ipHone shots!!!! Love it. Thanks

The triangle shaped peephole is what the prisoners saw at the Bridge of Sighs...your last view of beauty before they locked you in the dungeon. Spooky.

are you in Croatia right now? so awesome.. love venice! :)

Yes, I'm in Porec but doing a bunch of day trips. The hillside villages are my favorite so far.

I read it all, but I dont need a reward! Just getting to see some of the world from someones eyes is enough of a reward for me. And I admit, some pictures of beautiful girls helped as well ;)

If you are still in Italy look for Peroni Gran beer I had while there last month! Was so good I included it in my Friday Craft Brew Series post! Definitely a really good beer!

And yes, I did read the whole thing ;)

Poreč yay!

And you say you can't write? I found it interesting and finished it even though Ive just finished work at 9am and haven't slept yet! Will send a follow hoping for more content like this.. keep it up please!

Must be Motovun.

Is that a slither of an Aussie Dollar $5 note?

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