Bees at work on hydrangea bushsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography7 years ago

We have a hydrangea bush, and several different varieties of bees were hard at work pollinating it! I saw bumblebees, honey bees, and a few others I didn't recognize. Enjoy!


same we are, not pollinating but upvoting.

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lovely ,beautiful flowers .like the way they are mixed with green and white.

Nice videos of the bees in your hydrangea bush. I hope you are protecting yourself from the bee sting?

As long as I don't bother them, they don't want to sting. Of course, I could bump into one by accident; but, that hasn't happened yet (this year :) ).

Ok, so it has happened before, since you said that it has not happened this year?

Yes -- but I haven't been stung in more than a decade, and before that it was about the same amount of time.

Huh. You are really careful with the bees then. Me i get bees sting me even if i don't go to them.😁😁

Nice flowers and busy bees :)

nice video is this ur own garden or anyother place?

This is in the side yard, not near the garden. I found a bees' nest on the front porch, behind the light (on the street side), so have to take care of that at night. They're yellowjackets; I took a video and will post it later.

Diligent bees :) They'd make some bee farmers happy lol

I know, I'm interested in where their hive is. Found a yellowjacket nest on the front porch, which isn't where it should be, and those aren't the good pollinating kind anyway, so they'll be gone soon.

Great video nice to see it :)

really beautifull flowers and video and also looks honeybees on flowers maybe she try to makes collect some thing fro flowers to make honey @libertyteeth sir

I know you've used this track before but it is particularly good pollination music! The hydrangea is a beauty!


It's funny you mention the track. I found it on YouTube as part of a free-to-use channel, and I've used it for every video I've made. And, I intend to use it for every video I make in the future, until someone tells me I should change it. Perhaps not even then. :)

I like that the track is titled "Intelligence" as well. It's by "Tigfy".

Hmm, just had a thought -- Jonathan Coulton's music is released to the Creative Commons, i.e., people can make derivative works from it. So, I could use his music instead! Would need to fit it in just right as it has lyrics, so it'd be a bit more effort. But, perhaps that Mac laptop would help reduce the effort! :)

That's cool that Coulton releases his music to Creative Commons it would be nice to incorporate one of those tracks too but you're right lyrics have to make sense either supporting the images or as an ironic contrast. Mac would be helpful.

Yeah I have written down the plan to install the Mac Mini, so it's likely to happen in the next week or so.

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