One photo a day challenge (127/365) all year long

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians,
Today I’ll be sharing some more night time photography. After work today I came across this sign

4BFDBF2E-2C93-4C5F-9C73- FCF6F31395DB.jpeg

This is the first time that I noticed that pitbulls are not allowed in this area. It’s so easy to miss that sign.
Do you guys pay attention to signs like in a residential area? Honestly I would if I were parking say at night but during the day time I mostly ignore them.


Pitbulls are dogs, do people tie their dogs there?

Dogs are supposed to be on a leash when outside around strangers.

Ha ha... yes I have to pay attention to the parking signs!

Thats good, i usually learn the hard way, but not intentionally. Sometimes i barely notice them.

There are too many words to read them all without stopping. Can you imagine how many accidents there were if people read without stopping? LOL

What i usually do if i were visiting someone who lives in an area i'm not familiar with is i would ask them about the parking rules in the area. They usually know if and when towing takes place, though its best to read it yourself in case it got changed/ updated.

It is normal in human beings to ignore these warnings and if you are driving it is almost impossible to read any warning. The good thing is that you read that and you already know what is prohibited in that area.

Its easy to miss some signs, but it is considered your responsibility to read them because if you don't, you will be responsible for any violations.

we must pay attention to the parking sides or road signs,it is useful for us or according to the traffic rules.

You are right or else you might end up paying towing fees.

Here in Venezuela those dogs are considered very dangerous

I'm honestly scared of them. When I see one I walk on a good distance away and make no eye contact. One time a nice lady told me I could pet her pitbull , I was so nervous when I came close the dog started to tremble. I guess it could sense my fear. The fact that they are that perceptive is also scary to me.

Yes, they must be respected.

Is that a City law that prohibits pitties ?? Interesting as I never have seen that

I'm not sure, I was thinking maybe just for this residential area.

sure more than once we broke this rule, for not reading, thanks for sharing

I always see are the ads that dogs are not allowed, but it's really rare that they do not allow only one race

Sorry, what is "Pit Bull"?

Pitbulls are a kind of breed of dogs
They look like 68CBE2DF-EF84-4DD5-B2E9-980C4E02CF1A.png

They are considered by someone to be a dangerous breed but others argue that they are not.

It doesn't need to be dangerous, the look alone is frigthening.

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