Steemitphotochallenge 📷 "3"

in #photography7 years ago

  Assalamualaikum sahabat steemit indonesia.

 "Someone to lean on"
One of the most exciting moments in visiting the David Sheldrick camp in East Tsavo, Kenya, was watching wild elephants, who used to be orphans at that camp, were released to the wild, and now have their own babies. When one of them brought her baby to "show" the keepers, everyone were very excited and emotional. We all pray that this baby will not have to experience what his mother did. 

"Seseorang untuk bersandar pada"

Salah satu momen paling mengasyikkan saat mengunjungi kamp David Sheldrick di Tsavo Timur, Kenya, menyaksikan gajah liar, yang dulunya adalah anak yatim piatu di kamp tersebut, dilepaskan ke alam liar, dan sekarang memiliki bayi mereka sendiri. Ketika salah satu dari mereka membawa bayinya untuk "menunjukkan" para penjaga, semua orang sangat gembira dan emosional. Kita semua berdoa agar bayi ini tidak perlu mengalami apa yang ibunya lakukan.

  Salam komunitas steemit Indonesia. Please follow @kylie-jenner
comment dan Upvote. 


I love elephants, despite being huge creatures, theyre the cutest and adorable 😍😍😍

Yes I also love elephants very much 😍😍😍

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