#asiseeit:Mumbai -A self in the crowd

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Date - 14th March,2017
Location-marine drive 4:40 pm
The battle of Mumbai is the battle of the self against the crowd.In a city of twenty four million people,how much value is associated with the number one? Today after two and a half months,I have finally managed to see beyond the wreck of this concrete jungle to the exuberant life of its citizens.
When five hundred new people come in every day to live,Mumbai is certainly not a dying city.
A killing city,maybe,but not a dying city.
What you will find in most of Mumbai characters is freedom.most of them don't pay taxes,don't fill out forms. They don't stay in one place or in one relationship long enough.
Each mumbaikars has an inner extremity,but Mumbai itself is reaching its own extremity,twenty five million people by 2020.the city's population which should halve,actually doubles. Walking alongside every person in the throng on the streets today will be one more person tomorrow.With every year Mumbai is a city growing more and more public,the world outside gradually crowding the world inside.
Location -local train 5:25 pm
In the mad rush of this Bombay train each one of the herd needs a survival mechanism and hold on to it for dear life.A solitary human being here has two options :he can subsumed within the crowd,reduce himself to a cell of a larger organism or he can retain a stubborn sense of his own individuality.each person in this train has a sense of style,the way he combs his hair,the talent he has for making sculptures out of seashells,an ability to blow a hot water bottle until it bursts.i have found it easy to talk to people in a crowd in Mumbai because each one had distinct,even eccentric,opinions.The battle is Man against the metropolis.

The reason a human being can live in a Mumbai slum and not lose his sanity is that his dream life is bigger than his small quarters. It occupies a palace. it's a terrifying image,it makes me feel crushed,it eliminates my sense of myself,but it is ultimately comforting because it is such a lovely vision of belonging. The crowd is the 'self', twenty four million avatars of it,twenty four million celebrations.I will not merge into them; I have elaborated myself into them.And if I understand them well, the crowd will become the self splendours.!
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