Sweater Weather

in #photography5 years ago



Hey Steemit!

How about a cute dog instead of pies today for a change?! Sounds good to me 😆

If you've been following my blog for a while, then you already know that I mainly post about food, plus occasional recipes and of course photos of my cats. Dogs, however, are very rare to be featured here. Today is one of these rare occasions, rejoice, dog lovers! 🖤

The other day I was hanging out with a friend of mine, and she wanted me to take a few pictures of her dog, of course I agreed. She put a fall inspired, quite fashionable and, hopefully, hand-knitted sweater on this little guy, and all three of us tried to have as much fun as taking pictures of a crazy and hyperactive dog can possibly be. Yes, it was fun 😂


I really enjoy shooting animal portraits and always attempt to catch them off guard and snap a quick picture, sometimes I succeed. It is kind of easy to achieve when you photograph your own animals and pets, because they know you and feel pretty relaxed and safe when you're around, but it is challenging when it comes to animals that don't know you.
Almost the entire time we were out, our little star of the show kept looking back at my friend to make sure everything was cool haha, I could tell he was a bit cautious of the camera too, obviously it was not an ordinary day for him. Luckily, we were able to get the shots we wanted soon enough, and he could finally breathe out and kick back 🐾


artwork by kookyan


You shoulda got some pictures of him when he was losing his shit freaking out barking at the squirrels and birds on the TV.

Hahaha, that was fuuny!

Да, эти малыши много суетят, тут нужна очень короткая выдержка. Но с момента нажима на спуск и до снимка эти непоседы успевают либо отвернуться, либо вообще смыться))) Я начинаю включать серийную съёмку. 1 из 5 кадров, да получится:))

Ага! У меня как раз была серийная съёмка и очень короткая выдержка, в среднем в зависимости от количества света где-то 1/1000 :)

Да, иначе их не поймаешь :-))

Это просто замечательно. Он такой забавный и весёлый.
Как только ты успевала ловить такие чудесные кадры.
И свитер очень прикольный. Я бы и сама от такого не отказалась :-)

Красивая вязка и цвета мне нравятся.
Спасибо за чудесную фотосессию, дорогая!

It's just wonderful. He's so funny and funny.
As soon as you managed to catch such wonderful shots.
And the sweater is very cool. I wouldn't mind that myself :-)

Beautiful knit and colors I like.
Thank you for a wonderful photo shoot, dear!

Пришлось потрудится немного, чтобы сделать более-менее хорошие снимки, он не хотел усмирятся! Мне тоже свитер понравился, такие цвета как раз подходящие, контрастируют и с мехом и с зеленой травой. Очень рада, что тебе понравились фото :)

Спасибо большое!



Awww, that's so cute! :-)

Ain't it haha

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