From dark pinup, to the realm of dark fairytale!

Good morning, Steemit! I’m at @caffetto for the next two hours, killing time until the solar eclipse begins! Naturally, this was planned months ago. I too the necessary precautions and all way well until I got an email from Amazon telling me the glassed I purchased were not ISO certified […fraudulently claiming to be by the manufacturer]. That threw me in to a panic trying to find glasses just days before the event. During a zombie apocalypse, I’d be a good friend to have because if I can find 10 pair of solar eclipse glasses days before the totality, I’ll most likely be the one to find food and supplied amongst the dead. @guthrie is a big science nerd like his dad so I’m excited he’ll get to experience this cosmic event!

I’m trying to get this post made in the next 45 minutes so I can focus on eclipse stuff. @jamtaylor’s Steemit Photo Challenge had me thinking about a couple off shoots that I entered in SPC51. One of which hasn’t made it to the internet, ever. It was a couple years ago w/ pinup model Doris Mayday, shot in West Hollywood. We wanted to do something different than our usual dark pinup collaborations, and leaned towards a fairy tale editorial. These photos we being held for a big publication that never materialized, so sharing them here will be a genuine Steemit exclusive!

The model and hairstylist had texted me telling me “…you’re not going to believe how this it turning out!”, and when arrived at our shoot location, I walked through the door and stared at Doris like she was a complete stranger. Our make-up artist, Shanna Cistulli, specializes in SP/FX make-up and she completely transformed Doris. Tony, the hairstylist, did an incredible grey wig that gave the model a completely new persona from her signature red hair.

The first series of photos were taken in a dark, moody bedroom. The home interior was designed by Daniel Luna, a brilliant film set designer whom I’ve had the pleasure of working with before. The atmosphere was somber and sultry and I was able to direct Doris to a fitting mood of solitude and even sadness; a testament to her range as a model considering most of her work is bright, cheerful pinup. Daniel surrounded our subject with candles and tea lights, and adorned the bed with fresh lilies. Those accents and details make or break shoots, and having a professional set designer on hand, like Daniel, makes all the difference in the world.

The second part of the shoot, we went outside. The backyard was completely out of a fairytale. A brick patio was moved, shifting and twisted amongst the roots and trunk of a giant tree growing through the stone work. It was surrounded with bright foliage. Some of the best photos were taken while Doris was laying against the crumbling bricks. Uncomfortable, but beautiful imagery. Worth it!

Thanks for reading, voting and sharing! I post daily so for more photography, art, illustration and stories behind the work, follow me here @kommienezuspadt!


I'm really excited I found your blog, these photos are early great captures and creative insights. And helpful in encouraging me to share more art as well!

Brilliant work @kommienezuspadt, love the colour palette.

Beautiful. simple yet powerful <3

Thank you @joliano! That was my hope!

I love makeup idea!

Thanks @pointtojoin! Shanna is outstanding! She's done some really wild make-up looks over the last couple of years.

Do you ever like to work in video? Have you ever shot a film?

Awesome shoot, I do enjoy most things fairy tale related and this was just perfect!

Of course @opheliafu! I kind of thought this shoot would appeal to you. Your drawings were some of the first art I came across on Steemit when I joined last year. It's awesome seeing how much success you've had since! <3

What a great year it has been on Steemit- I'm looking forward to what the next year will bring for the site!

Love it... nice concept..

Muy bonito

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