Final dark pinup photos w/ Amelia!

Good evening, Steemit! I’m at @caffetto, submersing myself in the bliss of being back home. The moment I walked in our home, the air felt clean and cool. Now, having a chance to be back at @caffetto, @flaccidfervor is playing “Hoist That Rag” by Tom Waits. @tarotbyfergus and I just went head to head in our first Magic: The Gathering games since my return. Life is good. I’m just trying to enjoy it. Work is looming over my head and the next big trip on the horizon is New Zealand and Australia, but for now, I’m just enjoying being sedentary.

In addition to just being home, I’ve been able to cut out time to work. Yesterday morning, I rose early […probably because I’m still on east coast time; an hour ahead]. This morning, @vermillionfox was up, made breakfast, got @guthrie from school, did yoga, cleaned, took her vitamins and all before I was able to make it downstairs. Once I was up, though, I was able to get to @caffetto and edit. As of today, I’ve been able to finish the work owed to a second client in as many days. Each client I finish alleviates so much stress.

So, that’s what I want to share with you this evening. The last few edits I owed Amelia, the beautiful Latina pinup I shot with last fall during one of my many trips to Los Angeles. I met her in November. She booked the last shoot I had remaining during that trip, and other than a few text messages and DM’s on Instagram, I didn’t have much of a sense of her as a person. It may sound funny, but that’s typically something that just happens. I almost create a personality for my clients, in my mind, before I meet them.

Amelia was a bit of a social media recluse. I don’t recall a single photo of her throughout her social media page. As the shoot got closer, we texted here and there, but the day she arrived at the estate location, she arrived with a quiet energy. I’m not sure if she’d ever shot before professionally, but she immediately found her rhythm and we had that rare creative chemistry. We shot both inside and outside as golden hour lighting set in. These last moody images are from inside the many rooms of the Pasadena mansion.

There’s such a sense of of relief when I’m able to finish a client and I’m going to be focused on doing that for the next couple of weeks. All my clients that’ve been patiently waiting are my immediate priority. As I’m making this post, Amelia just texted me and said “So worth the wait! I love them.”. Thanks so much for reading and supporting my work here on Steemit. For more photography, art, illustration and the stories behind the work, follow me here @kommienezuspadt!


That consistent and creative look! <3

You always shoot at such kickass locations!

Hello @kommienezuspadt, how are u doing? I have read all your activities. It seems that you are very busy with your routine. Your photo is very beautiful. It looks clear and beautiful even you take it in the dark. Keep working, sir. Have a nice day.

Cool ... I like this soft warm colors :)

As always amazing work @kommienezuspadt and glad you are happily installed back at home. I am a home body and though I love extended trips to UK every other little 'holiday' always makes me just long to be back at home.

I'm glad you are busy and in a good way. I'm far too busy to be a good Steemian, but know it'll be here when I can come back more coming home :)

There's nothing like being at home XD.
I did not have a single photo? but surely these will be the first ones and will show them with a lot of pride, they were very nice and very sexy!
You are also reading your book Dark Pinup, super.!

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