Dark pinup w/ east coast vintage beauty, Nicole!

Good evening, Steemit! It’s been a rough 24 hours. It’s kind of remarkable that I was able to get a post made last night. There was a whole chain of unfortunate events that started yesterday morning. I’ll spare you the details, but the culmination was my car being smashed in the parking lot of a Super America. Hit and run, of course. I’m just grateful none of us were inside […or in front of]. It’s just stuff and it’ll be fixed, but it still sucks. The police are suppose to follow up to obtain the security footage, but I’m looking at another deductible only two months after @guthrie and I were rear-ended in May. I’m not going to be on GEICO’s preferred customers list.

I’m working on a funny Steemit post. One many of us can relate to. More or less, it’s going to be about the hazards of trading cryptocurrency […or dealing with crypto in an capacity, really] while sleep deprived. I’ve gotten few deposits for shoots at the end of August in Palm Springs and Los Angeles. I missed some investment opportunities when the market tanked in early June. I’d straight up ran out of cash and that was a fault in allowing crypto spending and STEEM rewards to pay bills, dinners, flights, etc. I had some money and picked up some EOS and BitShares.

Tonight’s photography is comes from last year. One thing I aim for is being the aspirational photographer. I want to be the photographer my clients have to save to shoot with. I’d rather shoot with clients that make our collaboration a priority. I did quality over quantity for years, and transitioning to the reverse improved my work exponentially since 2012. My friend Nicole saved for this shoot and it was as important for me as it was for her.

I had a special connection with Nicole even before meeting her. She reached out to me on Instagram and amongst countless beautiful selfies, there were incredible Deadpool cosplay pictures from NYCC! Naturally, as an avid comic book enthusiast, she was appealing to our kindred geek spirt. We set up the shoot with her friend Monica, a talented vintage hairstylist in New Jersey, and I booked my friend Sunny for make-up. Monica offered her house for our location, which was amazing!

This was my third shoot in a row for the day, and on the drive to New Jersey, Sunny and I were both feeling it. The fatigue and exhaustion was setting in. Fortunately, hair and make-up took almost two hours and I had the chance to recharge. A nice creative break and opportunity to settle my thoughts gave me a chance to appreciate the dark, ornate interior of Monica’s home. I was able to think of interesting ways to incorporate the plants and vintage oil lamps to light Nicole’s face.

Not atypical of shoots I’m feeling fatigued during, I did get a second wind once Nicole came downstairs shoot ready. She had three distinct looks with a soft, frill and sheer pink slip, a seductive black corset, and a red and black matching set. As I’m readying this post, I’m already seeing how well these shots will fit in the “Dark Pinup” book I’m doing with @wcpublishing. One of my favorites of the year, without a doubt.

Thanks for reading. I post daily. For more photography, art, illustration and the stories behind the work, follow me at @kommienezuspadt!


nice post,awesome work!!!
keep posting........

Thanks very much @pradeep99! I certainly will!

Great work! The play of light and shadow is impressive! Thank you!

Thanks @evgsk! Yeah, I love manipulating low light. Mostly it's just a subtle light source and working the model around it.

Amazing lighting and concept~~!

You have received 42% of my (real person) upvote for being awesome. 🎭

To receive 100% of my upvote and a resteem, please consider using the One Human Basket tag as part of my initiative to curate the poetry community.

You probably will not be on GEICO'S happy list! Will be interesting to see how that all turns out. Nicole is beautiful as are all of your models. Thanks for sharing. - Troy

Yeah, @enjoywithtroy. I loved shooting with her. She's such a babe.

Brilliant images - great look - following you for more!

Thanks very much @icedrum! I appreciate the follow. Lots more to share!

That wardrobe is fantastic! I'm swooning over here. She is a stunner for sure!

I know, I know @offbeatbroad! She unloaded this huge suitcase of vintage slips, gowns and lingerie. I'm so spoiled to shoot in the vintage community. The wardrobe is always so incredible. She's such a great model to capture it all and Monica's house was unreal.

Upvoted and also resteemed :)

Ohhhh! Thanks so much @guccigirl! Resteems mean the world to me. Every time some on does, I get new followers. I appreciate that! Glad you enjoyed!

Awesome work!

I'm sorry about your car, that sucks. I hate hit & runs. People need to really start taking responsibility for their own actions!

Thanks @evolved08gsr. Yeah, I'm pretty bummed about the car. At least it wasn't totaled. I hope that find this prick.

Sorry about your car, that happened to my sons car not too long ago, it was more of a hassle than anything.
That top pic... swoooooon! I love pictures of near fainting damsels.
Had to resteem!
Lovely eve to you friend! 😌

Ohhhhhhh! I appreciate the resteem so much @artdellavita! Nicole is so great and she has such a collection of wardrobe. Monica house is to die for. Oh! I don't recall. Are you in LA? My trip is confirmed. I'll be there from 8/23 - 8/30 if you're near and would like to get coffee one day.

You always have the best models! I was going to mention if you ever would like to shoot in my home you are more than welcome- 2 stories of nothing but French style antiques but they are a little lighter than the palette you work with except my small Gentleman's room which is more Victorian in style.

I am 2 hours away from LA and if I have nothing going on I promise to let you know at least a week prior so we can chit chat over coffee ☕️
No need to thank for the resteem, your work is always resteem quality!

Happy Sunday to you and yours friend!

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