The Beauty of Gayo Highland, Central Aceh.

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Sebagai putra yang lahir di takengon, banyak cerita dan keindahan yang ingin saya ceritakan dan saya bagi untuk kawan-kawan steemian semua.
Bahkan sudah banyak para traveller yang mengabadikan keindahan daratan tinggi gayo, aceh tengah, provinsi aceh.

As a person born in Gayo Highland, Takengon, there many stories and beauty that I want to tell and I share for all steemian friends. Even already a lot of Travelers who capture the beauty of the Gayo, Central Aceh, Aceh Province.


Kawan-kawan steemian semua.. saya yakin bahwa banyak keindahan negeri di indonesia ini dan banyak ciri khas dari daerah masing-masing, namun saat ini saya ingin berbagi foto-foto yang saya ambil dari instagram gayo (
Saya tidak bermaksud untuk melakukan plagiat namun karena saat ini saya bertugas jauh dari negeri sendiri dan saya tidak bisa mengabadikannya dalam sebuah foto karena jarak dan waktu.

All my Steemian friends, I am sure that many of the beauty of the country in Indonesia and many characteristics of their respective regions, but now I want to share the photos I took from instagram gayo ( I do not intend to do plagiarism but because I am currently on duty far from my own country and I can not capture it in a photograph because of distance and time.


Saya sangat mengapresiasi foto-foto ini karena diambil sangat bagus dan melakukan promosi atas keindahan negeri tanah kelahiranku. tujuanku memamerkan foto ini adalah agar makin banyak para traveller yang mengunjungi Gayo sehingga perkembangan wisata disana makin maju dan mampu memberikan pemasukan untuk daerah dan perbaikan ekonomi bagi masyarakatnya.

And I really appreciate these photos because take very good and in promoting time the beauty of the Land of my Birthplace. My goal to show off this photos is to increase more travelers visit Gayo. And this is so good to the development of tourism, also there is more advanced and able to provide income for the region and economic improvement for the community.
here are the pictures..








Hope you enjoyed to see this pictures..
Please come to my country
#Gayo Highland, Central Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia


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Vast beauty here! Thanks for sharing and hope to visit someday.

We will wait you @pam.afg. I work as Judge in Court, but if you come here someday, please tell me and will take a time to bring you there.

Oya, I forget took you, My Country is The Land of Original Arabica Famous Coffe. You can search on the google abou it. Do you want, I will sent you. Hahaha.. I hope you can resteem my post in your wall. If u dont mind. Tks

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