The best photo I ever took with my iPhone

This winter after moving to Seattle Washington I discovered Discovery Park. Discovery park is located at the north end of Elliot Bay and marks the point at which the bay opens to the Puget Sound. At the northwest end there is a point with a lighthouse on it. It is a beautiful beach with views of the Olympic Mountains and at sunset the lighthouse is beautifully lit by the setting sun.

West Point Lighthouse.jpgPhoto by Kelly Anderson, camera iPhone 6

This photo represents both my best landscape photo and my best iPhone photo ever. I hope you do enjoy it as I am quite proud of it.



Wow! Thank you, I am honored and very much appreciate the support.

you should be proud, great shot!

Thanks @brightongreg, and humbled by all of the great comments and votes I am receiving including yours.

Wow! That looks beautiful, great post! @kellyjanderson

Thank you xuanvo.

I have an iphone 6, but i never got a good photo like that

Getting great photos with an iPhone is all about composition. Sometimes I will go for a photowalk with just my iPhone, to force myself to focus on composition. On this photo I realized I had a perfect moment. Because I am traditionally terrible at landscapes I stopped and thought really hard about everything I had read about shooting landscapes. I found a leading line, I made sure I had foreground and midground and a clear subject. Then I shot a good set of photos to make sure I got a good clean shot.

Wow! Looking forward to more posts from you, keep up the good work! Check out my blog and follow if you're interested.

Thanks @nicolicreer, I checked your blog and followed you. I really like your most recent photo too. I mostly take photos of flowers, with a little bit of other types of photos sprinkled here and there.

nice, followed you too! looking forward to your shots.

Really great shot! Hopefully this won't be the best for long - keep shooting! :)

I have lots of other good photos, but I generally struggle with landscapes. Mostly I shoot macro flower photos, sometimes portraits. As far as iPhone photos, this one will be difficult to beat, but I always have my phone on me so I sure will keep trying. 😎

Both of those are surely great too!
I'm sure you will surpass this one in time ;)

Beautiful sunset colors, dramatic clouds always catch the attention. Worth resteeming :)

Thank you for the resteem! It makes me feel even better about this photo that it is good enough to get some resteems!

And I also try to be picky too, I do not just resteem anything :)

Very nice photo 👏

Thanks, I am glad you like it. :-D

I want to live in that white house. I mean, light house.

There are two residences on the property as well, but I don't think anyone lives in them anymore.

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