Beauty and stories: peace for a broken world

in #photography6 years ago

I believe beauty matters for our broken world, perhaps almost more than anything, and it's why I do what I do.

It's easy in a noisy world to start thinking that no one wants real stories, beautiful words, sensitive music, and true humanity.

But I know that isn't true: we are all so hungry for peace and consolation, and stories that remind us who we are, in spite of the cacophony of voices screaming at us that we are shallow and easily sated by money, stimulation, and entertainment.

On this day, especially if your heart is in need of a little peace, I would love to share with you my songs and poems. You can click here and listen while you work or clean or move about your day--or just sit there trying to figure out how to move forward with hope.

Love to you all.

Listen here:

Follow @kayclarity for songs and poems and thoughts on life and art.IMG_3919 2.JPG

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