Take Me To The Woods - A Photo Journal

in #photography5 years ago

A few days ago I told you of my recent camping adventure and today I wanted to share with you some of my favorite “hidden beauty” shots from the trip.

I’ve had a really hard time finding inspiration with my photography lately, but pushed myself to grab my camera anyways and search for those details I love so much.

The woods have always been such a special place for me.. where I feel grounded and like I can just breathe.

I find there is so much hidden beauty in this world, and many times we pass by it everyday without a second thought. Part of my journey in learning photography was to take the time to seek out and showcase that beauty.

Hopefully by continuing to push myself I will find that inspiration again, as well as continue to grow as a photographer.

I hope you enjoy them 🙂














Much Love,


Photos taken with a fuji X-T2 with 35mm lens


I always love finding small hidden things of beauty in nature - like eyes in the bark skin of trees or lights and shadows as I see a lot in your shots. So much art to find in nature - it has a way to inspire. The thing is some days the light sucks and you shouldn't even try - other days you're not prepared and find those lovely shots automatically :-) Maybe you can help yourself by 1) bringing some sort of prop so you can compose shots, or 2) just pick one subject (leaves? or *light touching the ground?) and only make pictures of that :-)

Anyway, pressure never helps me, if I don't feel creative I just leave all my tools at home :D That way I can see something beautiful and really punish myself for not bringing my camera which is often a great spark for more creativity in the weeks after :D Also a tiny bit of torture but who doesn't grow from pain ;-)

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I so agree! The way a like hits a surface or the design a leaf makes etc... so much art in nature! I love the eye in the bark ❤️

I haven’t been pushing myself lately and then realized while out there surrounded by all this beauty I hadn’t even attempted to pull out my camera.. somehow I just need to be forced sometimes 😂 but yes I think sometimes you just have to wait for inspiration and that’s ok.

Thanks for the love 💕

These shots looking great Justine! I love the woods as well <3 especially after rainfall :)

Hey thanks Ruben ☺️

Yeah the woods fresh after rainfall is just magical.. I agree. ❤️

I want to be there so we can frolic there in the woods together @justineh :P

Yay! 🙌🏼 Sounds fun. Haha

It's beautiful out there.

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Thank you 🙏 I completely agree and feel pretty lucky to have this so close to me.

I love taking nature photos, too, and yours are particularly beautiful!

Thank you so much! Nature photos are probably my favorite subject.. just so much beauty to discover.

Have you thought about getting and ND filter. If you ever find yourself struggling it can fair old open your creativity a bit. Or make you curse and complain that its hard to get the hang of, lol!

Yes it’s on my list! My bud markangeltrueman told me I needed to get one, I just haven’t done it yet. I don’t know much about them but am curious to give it a try.

The cursing and complaining sounds exciting too 😂😜

Hehe, they are awesome once you get the hang of them but oh my, the cursing and complaining at first is awesome! :OD

Ah the artist's eye :) Inspired or no, you know when you see a great shot. that sort of thing just can't be denied, I guess. Beautiful pictures, J.

Thank you so much ☺️❤️

Beautiful. Love all the details. There is so much beauty all around us. Thanks for the beautiful reminder.

I totally agree, so much beauty in the details around us. Thank you so much, I’m a big fan of your photography.. so it means a lot ☺️

The first water shot is my favorite. Love the angle/point of view. :)) The upended stump is pretty eye catching, but my second favorite was the embers. They were all wonderful!

Thank you!! I really loved the movement in the water there.. and even though the light was a little harsh, I wanted to capture it. Oh man I’m fascinated by embers.. I took so many photos of that fire 😂

Thanks so much!! ❤️

You are a perfect photographer. Keep shooting and keep posting.

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