Berlin, Street Art and Graffiti - Serie VI - KOPI One of the Last Real Punk Squats in Berlin

KOPI is the name of one of the last real punk squats that still survives in the city of Berlin.

KOPI, located at Köpenicker Str 137 in Kreuzberg, was occupied on 23 February 1990, that is, almost 27 years ago. One curious detail is that the building was ready to be demolished and when it was occupied demolition was prevented. One year later, in 1991 and for the first time, one of the many agreements that have been made over the years between tenants and the different Owners who have had the building was signed.

Of course they have tried to get them out of the most dissimilar ways but thanks to the protests and numerous actions of solidarity KOPI still survives the changing Berlin.

Today KOPI as housing offers space for more than 50 people.

Also including children, some of whom were born there. At the same time a residential project is also a cultural project. Shared rooms accommodate a variety of non-commercial events. They have also created a small cinema and two concert halls where hundreds of bands from all over the world have passed.

This is my little tribute to KOPI that I hope will remain there for many more years.

Congratulations on your 27 years of founding!



Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Would you?

Hmmm! Those last two photos are inside an apartment where people live. It's not really as bad as it looks on the outside. What happens is that they have not put it "nice" ever but it has everything repaired (roof, electricity, water, etc) and sanitized (moisture from walls, fungi, etc) that in Germany is obligatory so that someone can live (as far as I know). And of course, as it has that punk look looks more aggressive.

But it's a place where I think I could live normally. The people are nice, they have many parties and concerts in da haus and also the rent is very cheap ;)

Well that's OK. I guess we just have different tastes.

I can live very very simply, but then it must be in nature. In a city, that kind of art would interest me for a few minutes perhaps for any social commentary that I could glean from it, but longer term I would become very depressed by it and feel trapped.

Im a city boy even if I also love to live in the nature too ;) But you are right it is just a difference of tastes :)

Wow! These are some very artful photos of a very artful place. So much eye candy and expression going on there. Art everywhere!! I love that life is art and the expression of it is so powerful and influencing in so many ways. I find it rare that people live so immersed in art--for most I would say it is something to hang on the wall. Thanks for this post @juanmiguelsalas. I appreciate the taste of Berlin with you.

Thanks for your beautiful and deep comment my dear @everlove You always showing a love and understanding for the arts that I do not see so often :)

Art is definitely a passion we share @juanmiguelsalas. I felt I was taking a walk with you in Berlin, capturing the essence of this intriguing city. I'm very fascinated by the expression explosion all over the place. Oh so many textures--I LOVE IT! Truly an opportunity to breathe in el sabor!

And I'm guessing that cute little being in your profile pic has something significant to do with you?!?

Every time I see images of Berlin they don't make me interested in visiting. I am not much into the industrial feel. Great artwork though!

Berlin is very very big city... and of the greenest cities I know in the world with big parks everywhere. You should come in sommer and see for yourself... Very pretty city in summer, the best in Europe for sure... For sure it is more than old industrial buildings ;)

Really interesting photos. Some of the work on the outside of the building reminds me of the street artist Blu.

Some are from him... he was here in Berlin working too :)

Ahhhh, a knowledgeable man you are! I was just looking through his website to see if he was in Berlin at any point.

Great post and photos ! Thanks so much for shareing ! 👍

Intresting place. I was never anywhere like that. Id like to visit something like that and take up all the art i can see.

Great post. I love streetart. Thanks for sharing!

Happy you like it @shortcut :) and thank for your comment

Glad you like it :) Thanks for your comment

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