[ENG-SPN] A piece of Magical Spain / Un retazo de la España Mágica

in #photographylast month


Within that colorful diversity of people, uses and customs that characterizes this legendary 'bull's skin', which, metaphorically speaking, is the Iberian Peninsula, where, at the dawn of historical memory, great demigods, like Hercules, starred in few prodigious episodes during the details of its charismatic existence -suffice, as an example, two famous thefts: the oxen of Gerión and the unique golden apples of the Hesperides- stands out, as a true treasure to discover and enjoy, that wonderful architecture popular, which still characterizes, after centuries, the idiosyncrasy of a world clinging to the solid firmness of its ancestral roots.


So, it is not at all surprising if the traveler, in his adventure of pleasure and knowledge, reaches places that, while still conserving a good part of his cultural heritage, make him feel, comparatively speaking, that the time, after all, a pilgrim at times, he has also taken a breather and like the surprised Gene Kelly, he discovers, stupefied, that legends, such as that of Brigadoon, can undoubtedly have semblances of reality. Because let us not forget that talking about our peoples, apart from immortalizing them, also means referring to that other Spain, 'the magic', which still, after centuries, displaying its Numantine spirit, refuses to die.


Dentro de esa variopinta diversidad de gentes, usos y costumbres que caracteriza a esta legendaria ‘piel de toro’, que, metafóricamente hablando, es la Península Ibérica, donde, en los albores de la memoria histórica, grandes semidioses, como Hércules, protagonizaron no pocos episodios prodigiosos durante los pormenores de su carismática existencia -basten, como ejemplo, dos hurtos famosos: los bueyes de Gerión y las singulares manzanas de oro de las Hespérides- destaca, como un verdadero tesoro que descubrir y del que gozar, esa maravillosa arquitectura popular, que caracteriza, todavía, al cabo de los siglos, la idiosincrasia de un mundo aferrado a la sólida firmeza de sus raíces ancestrales.


De manera, que no hay que extrañarse, en absoluto, si el viajero, en su aventura de placer y conocimiento, llega hasta lugares, que, conservando, todavía, buena parte de su herencia cultural, le hacen sentir, comparativamente hablando, que el tiempo, al fin y al cabo, peregrino en ocasiones, se ha tomado un respiro también y como el sorprendido Gene Kelly, descubre, estupefacto, que leyendas, como la de Brigadoon, pueden tener, sin dudas, visos de realidad. Porque no olvidemos, que hablar de nuestros pueblos, aparte de inmortalizarlos, significa, también, remitirse a esa otra España, ‘la mágica’, que todavía, al cabo de los siglos, haciendo gala de su espíritu numantino, se resiste a morir.


NOTICE: Both the text and the photographs that accompany it are my exclusive intellectual property and, therefore, are subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.



"WOW! 🤩 What a stunning post! 😍 The photographs are breathtaking, and the writing is pure magic ✨. I'm transported to the vibrant world you've described, where culture, history, and beauty blend together in perfect harmony 🌈.

I'm particularly drawn to your words about 'the magic' of Spain - that Numantine spirit that refuses to die 💫. It's a testament to the power of tradition and heritage to shape our identities and connect us with each other ❤️.

Thank you for sharing this treasure trove of images and stories! 🙏 I'd love to hear more about your experiences and insights, so please keep posting and engaging with our community 😊.

And don't forget to vote for @xpilar.witness by going to https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses 👍. We're counting on your support to help the Steem ecosystem continue growing and thriving 🌱."

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