Graphic design. Where to find high quality royalty free photos? - Part I

in #photography7 years ago


To start my walk in Seemit I'll write a series of post with different webs of banks of free images, some even, can be used commercially.

What can you do with a CCO (Creative Common Public License - Non-Proprietary License) image?
• Can be used for commercial and personal use
• Can be copied, distributed and modified

No need to ask for permission of any kind, that is, you can do with it whatever you want.

Using the images is a good way to improve a website, a post, a presentation ....

To start, I'll tell you about

Once registered on the web, we will be able to download 10 new photos every week.
We can use them for everything, but we can not redistribute them.

Sin título-2.jpg


Hey, good luck on your journey in our fine community! I'll follow your account to see how you doing :)

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