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RE: My first Processor / Mein erster Prozessor

in #photography5 years ago

It is 11:40am and at this time we say "Mahlzeit" ... it is lunch time and "Mahlzeit" means "meal" in English. We say this like good morning in the morning and good afternoon in the afternoon ;)

Sometimes I think, but most times I forget about these tags. This morning I have seen that green plant at my desk and thought "it's thursdaygreen" :)))


I used to regularly dot he color challenges but you just reminded me been a while i must look for shots for that challenge again

On the train this morning I saw a nice sunrise and the sun came out very nice so I though I would go for a photo walk, Walked out of the station and clouds had moved in and temp was only just above freezing so decided to skip he walk LOL

Mahlzeit to you my friend

April weather ... today we thought, that it would stop to rain, because the clouds got brighter and it didn't rain that much anymore, but then it began to rain again. Maybe tomorrow or on saturday we will get better weather. But it is not cold - no freezing temperatures ;)

Hey, you just learned German :)

The forecast for the week ahead is a mix of rainy and overcast but at least the temps seem to be on a climbing trend

Yes I learnt a little of German and no doubt I will forget it before to long as well LOL

Yeah, I think, we have got to live with this weather for the next days - it's nearly the same at both sides of the big pond that separates Europe and America ;)

I could teach you one word each day - the next word is NEIN, what means NO in English ;)))

It looks that way but nice weather is coming or at least I keep telling myself that LOL

Neon is one of the words I knew, andI am terrible with languages, but I do remember the essentials like Ein Bier Bitte, really useful now that I cant drink beer LOL

Good morning @tattoodjay :)
It is dry here and maybe te weekend will stay dry, but we will see.

Actually, I can order a beer in quite a few languages. This was really an essential sentence when I was younger ;)

Guten Morgen my friend, or its getting close to Mahlzeit I guess :)
I hope it stays dry for you and you can get out and about, Saturday is looking like some potential for me will be overcast but not raining according to the current forecast so maybe I will be able to get out and about as well

Yes I think for any of us who traveled in our prime that was an essential saying to learn, I remember saying Dva piva often in one country, I was in, can you guess which one, and yes I always ordered two beers for my first order lOL

Dva piva is croatian - the first beer is for the thirst and the second to drink ;)

It is about 1pm and Mahlzeit is correct :) This weekend should stay dry enough for some photos :)))

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