
The burst of sun didn't last long, but at least its not raining for the moment
I am busy trying to find the charging cord for the batteries for my second camera, I have left them uncharged for far to long and the camera can't seem to charge them

Our day turned very nice later. It rained, and then all rain clouds disappeared. We had blue sky and sunshine, but they still say, that tomorrow it will be raining ... we'll see then ;)

For this reason I always buy third party chargers with an USB-plug. Such a cord is always around, either a USB-C or Micro-USB ... and: I put all spare cords and cables into a separate drawer ;)

We had brief bursts of sun today which was nice to see, but I got a few things done, have thoroughly cleaned one camera and its lenses and going to do the other camera and its lenses shortly

I to have a drawer fill with cables and thought that one I needed would be there, but I may well have thrown it out as I seldom use the battery charger on its own, I just recharge the batteries in the camera, but I now have one so I am set for the future

Whatever the weather brings have a super sunday

Good morning JJ 😀
The weather forecast was right - it is raining here, and it will rain all day long.
So, I'll just stay at home, clean up my stuff a bit, and maybe try some macros later...

Everybody has this drawer I think 😆 It's good that you could manage it to recharge the batteries. I wish you good light and the best photos for today's shooting.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good morning or should I say good Day, Yes I think everyone has these drawers, I have two of them actually LOL

Similar weather today so its a good day for the indoor shoot for the charity fundraiser, I am looking forward to it

Good afternoon JJ 😉
... plus a big box in the cellar, where I keep old the old stuff, which I will probably never will use again.

But a while ago I have cleaned this box up and have thrown some old cords away (phone cords for internet modems). One week after I have done this my brother in law asked me for right such a cable ... ironic, isn't it? I have had stored these cables for many years in this box, until I have decided, that I would never need them anymore.

It has been raining here all day long, and I think it won't stop before tomorrow.

I wish you much fun and good photos today.

I think thats what I did, when I did my last cleanup of cables, threw out the one I needed today

and yes is it not funny how that happens, or you cannot find something and so buy a new one and when you go and put away the new one you find the old one you could not find before

That's kind of Murphy's law I would say ;)
... true, that really happens sometimes, especially when I need a small tool, then either I myself or my son has used it and put it somewhere, where it shouldn't be ;)

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