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RE: Reflections / Spiegelungen

in #photography6 years ago

No, my parents have a big house where there's always a room with a bed free for friends.
Of course you would have to do some work for your living there, like making firewood, cut the lawn or shovel snow :)

And if you don't want to work for your bed we have houses in the bigger towns where there's always a warm bed for free if you are early enough there, before all beds are occupied and if you are not drunk ;)


haha! I was okay on that last sentence until you said unless you are drunk! guarantees! No actually I never was much of a drinker and I've only been drunk one time in my life..Jim Beam whiskey. It was aged like 12 years and was so smooth that I didn't realize how strong it was, live over 100 proof and I got sick as a dog in about an hour.

Hey I love shoveling snow, cutting firewood and mowing the lawn! Now I know where to go!

12 years and whiskey ... wow. My first time was with 16 and I drank a lot of beer, too much beer so that I could not stand anymore ;)

As I told you when we were younger, my wife and I had a lot of parties - you can say, our life was a party.
There were only a few days when we did not celebrate something somewhere, as if we had missed something when we stayed home for a day.

But since our children are born (2002), we have become good, very good.

OK, I might visit my mum this weekend and tell her that she gets guests :) She does not speak any English, so you might have to learn some German ;)

haha! oh no! not German, I heard that it was very hard to learn! lol. How about sign language? lol.
Your whole life was a party! didn't that get expensive buying all that beer?

Oh, sorry, no sign language - my mum has arthritis in her fingers, this is why she couldn't talk to you in sign language ;)

Yes, we spent a lot of money in beer ... we invested in the beer company :)

haha! but it wasn't a very wise investment was it? But hey look at you guys turning into responsible parents! I mean you changed drastically for the sake of your kids so that is true integrity.
I'm sorry to hear about your mum's arthritis. I would just pray for that, that's nothing for God.
but that's all I'm saying about that because I don't talk about such things!

We should have bought their shares instead of the product they produce and we would be rich by now ;)
We had our fun and when we became parents we became serious and responsible, you are right.

Not only your Shoshone is a wise man - you are a wise man too, @janton :)

sir johannpiber! I don't know about that, I try to walk in the wisdom of the Bible and I think I succeed most of the time. But you guys were wise to make that decision or did you just automatically start living more responsibly without talking about it? Like you just both knew what you had to do and you did it?

Yes, @janton, my wife told me that she is pregnant and the same day the party was over because something more important has arrived in our lives ... so we did not go out and drank at home :)))

Nono, that's not true - we even quit smoking, both of us :)

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