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RE: Down at the green River / unten am grünen Fluss

in #photography5 years ago

... then I would suggest you to go in the kitchen and have some water ;)
Thank you so much, dear @barski, this place is so beautiful with the clear green water that I will visit it again very soon.


The water in the kitchen is a great idea!)) But, I remember the taste of that water from the river and it cannot be replaced with tap water.

That's true of course. I didn't drink the water there and cannot tell you how it tastes, but when I'm there next time then I will try it and tell you then.

But I can remember when I was younger - beside my parent's house there is a brook and we always drank the water - the water in the house still comes from the same source and tastes very good and so much different from the water we have in the city.

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