
Sounds like our evening last night had some real strong rain, but luckily nothing like what Bahama is getting from the Hurricane

Yes, and I am so glad, that our worst weather is nothing compared to this.

Ohh yeah I feel sorry for them it basically stalled over the Bahamas for almost a day and did so much damage (

Yes, that's really bad. Nature can be merciless sometimes, and most times she hurts the poor ones most.

Ohh yes thats true, the good thing for the states is its dropped down to a category 2 Hurricane but thts still packs a punch, it may even skirt he coast line and head up our way on the weekend, i kind of hope it stays off shores and fades away with no more damage

I hope for you, that it doesn't come too close and doesn't damage anything.
But this might be a chance to make some good photos, if the storm is far enough away over the sea.

MY Wife has a bit of paranoia about storms and such so as Much as i would be tempted to go out for sots of it out to sea if there was a chance I am sure that she would veto that idea LOL

Yes, I know, we have been talking about this a while ago. I thought, when the storm is over the sea, a few miles away, you could take some photos with your telephoto lens, and she wouldn't mind, when you are not in danger ;)

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