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RE: Macro: Little green Spider / Kleine grüne Spinne

in #photography5 years ago

I have found out, that is a kind of Thomisidae, a so called "crab spider". I have to search a bit deeper and post the information I find with the second photo that I have made.

I nearly didn't see it, and thought it was some kind of dirt on that rose ;) Thank you so much, that you like the photo, JJ.

I wish you a great week too :)


That’s cool you found the name of it and now I know the name of it but if you asked me in an hours time I would have forgotten it lol

It looks somehow like a crab, doesn't it? But there are a few kinds of crab spider's, and there I have to find the right one too, but I have a few days, until I post the second photo ;)

My sister would say "spider is spider, and only a dead spider is a good spider" :) lol

I think my wife would say te same about spider as your sister, and I agree it does look like a crab more than a spider

I don't mind spiders, just some of the big ones look really scary. I wouldn't touch these with my hand and use gloves or anything else, but the others I take with my hand and leave them free in the nature (throw them out of the window ;).

If there small and i am sure they are not poisonous they dont bother me either but if not in that category I leave them alone lOL

We don't have many poisonous spiders here in Austria, there are the European black widow and the so called Yellow sac spider, which should be the most dangerous spides in Austria, but I have never seen one.

That’s good that you have never seen one let’s hope it stays that way

That’s good that you have never seen one let’s hope it stays that way

I think, they are too seldom - I don't know anyone, who has seen such a spider ever.

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