
ITs a habit of mine first ting I do each morning s check the forecast, helps me to decide what to carry in my bag which jacket to wear or not wear etc etc
Interesting thing is even on weekends when its the middle of winter and i have no plan on heading out anywhere i still check the forecast each morning

It's different with you, because you go by train and walk to your office. So, it's really understandable that you need to know how the weather will be.

I get up, look out of the window and decide then, whether I go by car or ride my motorbike.

Yes that’s the way I used to check the weather back when I was in the field and it works fine I am just a geek sometimes

At least, when I want to go for a sunrise photo I should look more intense on the weather forecast. I always want to, but most times I just forget ;)

Next time I'll ask you how the weather will be ... or you could make a daily post telling the weather forecast for the most important countries like Austria :)

Well I am no forecaster or maybe I am I get it wrong as often as they do and my forecast for here would not help you there 😂

I meant you could make weather forecasts for Austria - maybe they are better than our own forecasters ;) lol

Lol ok here’s your forecast for tomorrow plucked from thin air cloudy in the morning with a chance of rain clearing in the afternoon and a high of 24 😂

Good morning JJ,
thank you :))) it is cloudy outside, but I do hope that the rain has no chance, because at 9:30 my son has the final driving test before he gets his license 😉
24 degrees would be nice after yesterday's heat :)

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