
Forecast looks good for today
Yesterday was interesting nice and sunny as I walked to the train 🚂 and as we started the trip but then 20 minutes down the line an intense storm came through as the Queen song says
**Thunder and lightning very very frightening **
Ok not that frightening but intense and delayed the train by half an hour

Must have been a heavy storm, when the train has to stop for such a long time - when they stop a train here because of the weather, then it is very bad.

I hope the weather stays nice for you today.
The sun is shining here at the moment, but it is a bit overcast.

I think the lightning may have taken out one of the switches so the train had to back up a bit to the previous switch and then went forward again
It worked out well with the delay in a way the storm just passed over as we got to our station and it was dry walking to the car

They say a similar storm May come through this afternoon but the morning is looking good

Here there are also many storms around each day, but in Klagenfurt we have had much luck the last few days.

So you had luck again - the storm stopped the train, and so you stayed dry ;)

YEs people were complaining when the train stopped i looked at the radar and said its all good it will have passed over b the time we get to our station and they thought i was mad, but i was I got :) but of course also they were I am mad

Most of the prophets might have been only mad, and history tells us only the things, when they were right 🤣
... or the people have thought you were the weatherman 😉
... but you were right, and that's most important 😁

Very true, and in this case its just simply I am one who likes watching the weather apps and radar so I could see were the storms where and heading so it wasn’t anything prophetic at all LOL

Next time, when the train stops they will come to you and ask for information about the weather ;) lol

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